Mmm Sonic Cherry Slushie

Jun 06, 2009 21:42

So I vaccumned the snake area, then decided to go clean out my car. So I spent like 4 hours and 4 45 gallon trash bags emptying all the damn papers and shit form my car, zomg I bet the car is like 200 lbs lighter jesus.

So I haven't heard from Bill today either, not surprised too much. Apparently thinking of other people is not high on his list.  But I am 'missing' him less and less and hating him more and more. Yesterday out of morbid curiousity I opened that bag of cards to his ex and found not only did he give her cards he wrote lame cute messages in them. Fuck you Bill. Just FUCK you. ANd your 'I am not the sort of person to give gifts' lying fucking ass. Our whole relantionship is based on lies and him being a damn good actor for a short period. So anyway, divorce looking more and more likely. If I had some cash saved up I'd already be gone.  Next time I have 500.00 I am going to take off for a few weeks and not tell him.

Sitting at Mcdonalds now cause I needed an internet fix, that cell phone net is not the net sorry.  I am not supposed to be out in the sun much due to my lupus I was reminded why today after I came in from my car's cleaning and passed out for like 11 hours lol.  The sun drains all my energy and causes me to get welts because I am basically allergic to it. Weirdness, oh well. I'll be up all night now.
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