♨ Thirteen Apples and Cinammon - Action / Voice ♨

Aug 18, 2010 11:36

[Winry's up by those Sakura trees again, trying to contact Nala now that everything is... not quite normal, but settled down. However she's still having trouble. Why won't that spirit talk to her?! Maybe Nala is still recovering from all the Doomsday crap Luceti was put through. But still! It's been a few days now! Why was Winry being ignored!? She ( Read more... )

c! batman, event: au, c! donatello, c! tsuzuki, c! usagi, c! hughes, c! derek, c! raphael, c! haruki, c! sokka, c! celty, c! sigmund, c! raine sage

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[Action] meanandgreen August 18 2010, 17:11:15 UTC
[There's somebody sitting on the front stoop of House 55. He's got a hoodie on, despite it being too warm of a day for such things, the hood pulled up, hiding his face.

When Winry approaches, he glances up and just stares at her unashamedly, frowning.]


[Action] asimplereason August 18 2010, 17:18:18 UTC
[Winry doesn't notice him at first. She's too busy searching for a good window to peek in from. She finds one, failing to hide herself at all, and presses her face lightly to the glass. So far, so good.]


[Action] meanandgreen August 18 2010, 17:22:14 UTC

[Surprise! He's using his scary voice, too.]

The hell do you think you're doing?


[Action] asimplereason August 18 2010, 17:26:10 UTC
[With a yelp she jumps back from the window.] I- I- nothing bad, I swear!


[Action] meanandgreen August 18 2010, 17:29:45 UTC
That so? [He's standing up now, sauntering toward her.]


[Action] asimplereason August 18 2010, 17:32:21 UTC
[djkhfk She takes a step back.] I was just checking up on some friends. Things have been weird lately so-

I was worried.


[Action] meanandgreen August 18 2010, 17:42:54 UTC
[He looks her up and down a few more times.]

Do I know you?


[Action] asimplereason August 18 2010, 17:45:06 UTC
I don't think I know you? Do you live here with Casey, Don, Derek and Raph?


[Action] meanandgreen August 18 2010, 17:55:25 UTC
I was stayin' here with Anthony...[He pinches the bridge of his nose, then moves his hand again, gesturing wildly and eyes turned heavenward.]

Damn it! Does anybody know what the hell is going on!?


[Action] asimplereason August 18 2010, 18:12:20 UTC
[Anthony? Who... OH GREAT. More of this... crap.]

Not again...


[Action] meanandgreen August 18 2010, 18:14:51 UTC
[He just glowers at her angrily, then turns back toward the porch with a dismissive gesture.]

Forget it.


[Action] asimplereason August 18 2010, 18:22:37 UTC
[This is a very familiar frustration, but she dismisses it.]

Just - Everyone who lives in this house is all right, right?


[Action] meanandgreen August 18 2010, 18:27:24 UTC
[He finds his spot and sits down again, leaning with his elbows on his knees.]

I got no idea. Who're you lookin' for again?


[Action] asimplereason August 18 2010, 18:30:17 UTC

Casey Jones, Derek, Donatello, and Raphael!


[Action] meanandgreen August 18 2010, 18:32:38 UTC
Whoa, whoa, wait... You're lookin' for Raphael?


[Action] asimplereason August 18 2010, 18:34:23 UTC
And his housemates, yes. [Did she not repeat herself enough?]


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