♨ Thirteen Apples and Cinammon - Action / Voice ♨

Aug 18, 2010 11:36

[Winry's up by those Sakura trees again, trying to contact Nala now that everything is... not quite normal, but settled down. However she's still having trouble. Why won't that spirit talk to her?! Maybe Nala is still recovering from all the Doomsday crap Luceti was put through. But still! It's been a few days now! Why was Winry being ignored!? She was told Nala was supposed to be easy to talk to! Frustrated the girl finds a small rock. She kicks it, and it goes flying. Off to where? She doesn't know or care at the moment. If you're passing by that area it might just hit you on the head, so watch out!
She'll pace between these trees before whipping out her journal and making a voice post.]

Has anyone else had trouble contacting the Spirits since the earthquake?

Oh, and Miss Celty! Your bike is finished. You may pick it up at the smithy, although I'm not there today. I left it leaning on the couch if you stop by there.

[Also later in the day she'll stop by House 55, and peek through a window to check on the guys. She hasn't seen any of them since before the quake, and she's worried. But at the same time she doesn't want to bother them. If something was up they'd let her know... right?]

(ooc: AU info can be found here, and will be replying with asimplereason  )

c! batman, event: au, c! donatello, c! tsuzuki, c! usagi, c! hughes, c! derek, c! raphael, c! haruki, c! sokka, c! celty, c! sigmund, c! raine sage

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