♨ Six Apples and Cinnamon - Action ♨

Apr 11, 2010 13:47

[The rain puts a damper on Winry's plans. She had intended to spread out a blanket, and eat outside the smithy during her lunch break today. Instead she stays inside, sitting by the couch. She welcomes all who come in, whether they be costumers, or just seeking refuge from the rain. In front of her she has a sandwich, and a juice box.]

[But that's ( Read more... )

c! sothe, c! raphael, c! sokka, c! al, c! selim, c! jack sparrow, c! raine sage

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[Action] lists_to_port April 11 2010, 18:58:17 UTC
[Jack pokes his head into the smithy, with small rivulets running off his hat and dripping down onto his face. The pirate is drenched and has clearly been wandering around in the rain for quite some time. He's holding an unsheathed sword and has an inquiring look on his face.]

'Ello? Think I can get a quick sharpening here? My blade's dull as a Sunday service.


[Action] wings_thatwait April 11 2010, 20:12:16 UTC
Sure! Would you rather do it yourself, or have someone here do it for you? We have the tools for sharpening in the back. [Winry gestures to the back area. Heat from the forge radiates from there, keeping the whole place relatively warm.]


[Action] lists_to_port April 11 2010, 22:25:07 UTC
[The pirate is about to mention the fact that there is blood everywhere when the mass "good holy night that's not a prosthetic arm" intervention begins. He decides instead to keep out of the way and locate the nearest whetstone, sparing a backward glance for Winry, poor girl. He tries to be comforting in his way.]

Erm--by the bye, lass--should you go septic, I know a fellow what's brilliant at fashioning limbs out of wood. Not very bendy, but excellent for prodding things.


[Action] crytearsofjoy April 11 2010, 22:28:54 UTC
Why get a wood one when you can get one made of steel?


[action] lists_to_port April 11 2010, 22:43:07 UTC
I like the way you think, little bit. [He's found the whetstone and is carefully grinding the edge of his blade. Luckily he's the type who can talk and grind a mean edge at the same time. Jack can talk and do almost anything at the same time, actually.] Can fit it out for all sorts of things: roasting meat, opening tins, running people through. Could still get a good amount of prodding in with it as well. Brilliant, really.


[action] wings_thatwait April 11 2010, 23:02:28 UTC
If you ever need a set come to me! Metal prosthetics are my specialty.


[action] lists_to_port April 11 2010, 23:12:56 UTC
[He stares at the wounded girl and runs the tip of his tongue thoughtfully across his teeth.]

Well, if you ever need anything...erm...staunched,, I'm known as a fair hand at that.


[action] crytearsofjoy April 11 2010, 23:24:55 UTC
[She's not even noticing her self inflicted injury.] I'll keep that in mind.


[action] lists_to_port April 12 2010, 00:26:28 UTC
[A smile, which grows increasingly strained and uncomfortable. Finally...he removes his prized red bandanna and hands it to her, nodding at her arm.]

You'll want to put pressure on that, darling. You--you do want to keep the limb, do you not? Girl like you'd be better off learning to use a sword than to have a sword for an arm.


[action] wings_thatwait April 12 2010, 01:41:39 UTC
I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at, sir.


[action] lists_to_port April 12 2010, 01:52:04 UTC
Right. [Jack takes back the cloth and ties it around his head, before taking his newly-sharpened sword and heading for the door. He looks back once before leaving, confusion plain on his face. Is this just another bout of his madness?]

You take care now, bit. Keep some juice in that body of yours.

[With a tip of his hat, he's off.]


[action] wings_thatwait April 12 2010, 02:03:56 UTC
[She'll wave with her good arm, and smile as he leaves. Goodbye~]


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