♨ Six Apples and Cinnamon - Action ♨

Apr 11, 2010 13:47

[The rain puts a damper on Winry's plans. She had intended to spread out a blanket, and eat outside the smithy during her lunch break today. Instead she stays inside, sitting by the couch. She welcomes all who come in, whether they be costumers, or just seeking refuge from the rain. In front of her she has a sandwich, and a juice box.]

[But that's ( Read more... )

c! sothe, c! raphael, c! sokka, c! al, c! selim, c! jack sparrow, c! raine sage

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Comments 150

[Action] meanandgreen April 11 2010, 18:01:11 UTC
[Raph's been working in the back room all morning, pounding out links for his second manriki chain when suddenly, the bad feeling that's been growing in the pit of his stomach since Winry's return twists inside him like a knife. His senses sharpen to the scent of blood and Winry's happy humming.

He drops his tools with a clamor of metal and pads toward her workbench.]

Yo Winry?


[Action] crytearsofjoy April 11 2010, 20:09:29 UTC
[She looks up from what she's doing, wiping off some sweat off her cheek. This action leaves a smudge of red.]

Yeah, Raph?


[Action] meanandgreen April 11 2010, 21:33:16 UTC
[Raph sees the blood and his eyes go wide. Immediately his instincts take over and he firmly grabs her shoulder, trying to physically turn her around for a better look.]

You're bleedin' all over the place!


[Action] crytearsofjoy April 11 2010, 21:38:20 UTC
What? Oh, that's just the oil, I'll clean it up when I'm done.


[Action] lists_to_port April 11 2010, 18:58:17 UTC
[Jack pokes his head into the smithy, with small rivulets running off his hat and dripping down onto his face. The pirate is drenched and has clearly been wandering around in the rain for quite some time. He's holding an unsheathed sword and has an inquiring look on his face.]

'Ello? Think I can get a quick sharpening here? My blade's dull as a Sunday service.


[Action] wings_thatwait April 11 2010, 20:12:16 UTC
Sure! Would you rather do it yourself, or have someone here do it for you? We have the tools for sharpening in the back. [Winry gestures to the back area. Heat from the forge radiates from there, keeping the whole place relatively warm.]


[Action] lists_to_port April 11 2010, 22:25:07 UTC
[The pirate is about to mention the fact that there is blood everywhere when the mass "good holy night that's not a prosthetic arm" intervention begins. He decides instead to keep out of the way and locate the nearest whetstone, sparing a backward glance for Winry, poor girl. He tries to be comforting in his way.]

Erm--by the bye, lass--should you go septic, I know a fellow what's brilliant at fashioning limbs out of wood. Not very bendy, but excellent for prodding things.


[Action] crytearsofjoy April 11 2010, 22:28:54 UTC
Why get a wood one when you can get one made of steel?


asmilethatkills April 11 2010, 19:19:32 UTC
[Selim's been feeling more or less moody after returning from being mallynapped. He's also been...concern for Winry since she had been taken as well. So, he decides to go out for a walk and visit her at the smithy, umbrella on hand of course. Soon as he enters, his keen sense of smell he had inherited from Gluttony picked up the scent of blood.]

...[Quietly, he searches around the smithy to locate the source]


wings_thatwait April 11 2010, 20:14:45 UTC
[He'll find Winry working away at her arm. Oh, is that bone? She might be getting close... But then she notices Selim, and smiles.]

What brings you here?


1/2 asmilethatkills April 11 2010, 20:23:14 UTC


asmilethatkills April 11 2010, 20:25:10 UTC
W-Winry! What are you doing!?


markofthewise April 11 2010, 19:24:21 UTC
[Sokka hadn't been paying much attention to Winry and after returning from a class at the school, he initially just gives her a slight wave as he goes to find his own lunch. He has to do a double take when he notices blood and what she's doing. He'll be coming at her and trying to take the screwdriver away.]

What in the hell are you doing!?


crytearsofjoy April 11 2010, 20:15:58 UTC
[She protests as he tries to take it away.] What does it look like? Give that back!


markofthewise April 11 2010, 20:18:22 UTC
Blood, that's what! [And no, he's not giving it back. He's ripping off his sleeve and is going to try and bind that gaping wound.] What were you thinking!?


crytearsofjoy April 11 2010, 20:26:06 UTC
[She'll block his attempt at her arm.] What blood? Sokka, what's wrong with you? I'm just doing a maintenance check on my arm!


Action sing_thrush April 12 2010, 15:58:42 UTC
[ Someone's bringing Winry her lunch... and he doesn't notice things at first. ]

Winry? Are you hungry?


Action wings_thatwait April 12 2010, 20:08:40 UTC
Oh? Al? What're you doing here?


Action sing_thrush April 13 2010, 15:51:02 UTC
I decided to bring you a hot lunch.


Action wings_thatwait April 13 2010, 18:48:45 UTC
[Winry rubs the sweat off her forehead, leaving behind a smudge of blood.] You're too kind, Al. What'd you bring?


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