Oct 15, 2006 19:09
1)My uncle once: came down into the basement with a michael jackson mask and started moonwalking.
2)Never in my life: have I gotten drunk
3)When I was five: my favorite song was A your Adorable.
4)High School was: wicked fun.
5)I will never forget: the way my grandmother filled the house with awesome food!
6)I once met: Bill Cosby
7)There's this guy/girl I know who: puts Ranch dressing in eggs
8)Once, at a bar, I: sat on a stool in the middle of the dance floor while boys tried to entice me with their moves.
9)By noon I'm usually: wishing i had slept earlier the night before.
10)Last night/yesterday: i went to the driving range.
11)If I only had: more focus.
12) Next time I go to church, I'll: finally register with the parish.
13) What scares me the most: is not being able to save a life when the time comes.
14)You know I'm lying when: I keep saying, what?
15)You know what I miss most about the eighties: is being a kid.
16)If I was a character in Friends, I'd be: Rachel.
17)By this time next year: i'll be in the middle of nursing clinicals
18)A better name for me would be: Olivia
19)I have a hard time understanding: chemistry
20)If I ever go back to school I'll: do better, i promise.
21)You know I like you if: I give you hugs.
22)If I won an award, the first 3 person(s) I would thank; Mom, Dad, Tricon
23)Take my advice, never: have back surgery.
24)My ideal breakfast is: eggs benedict.
25)A CD I love, but do not have is: JUDE
26)If you visit my hometown, I suggest: having an italian ice from rita's.
27)Why won't anyone: get me a digital slr camera?
28)If you spend the night at my house: you probably won't sleep.
29)I'd stop my wedding if: something really important happened.
30)The world could do without: fox news.
31)I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: have cockroaches all over my house.
32)My favorite blonde is: strawberry.
33) PAPER CLIPS are more useful than: silly string?
34)If I do anything well, it's: make people feel good.
35)And by the way: i'm going to post more lj.