Snowflake Challenge - Day 1

Jan 01, 2014 10:08

First day!  At least three people on flist are doing this, which is fun. 8D  Can't wait to go read the stuff I haven't already read from other people's rec lists. Hopefully I can keep this wheel rolling for all 15 days.

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks you have created. It can be your favourite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator.

Asphodel Dreams. HP. Snape/Harry, NC-17, 17214 words.  I really didn't like this fic when I first wrote it, thought it could have been miles and miles longer.  I ran out of time, like I always do.  It took me a while to get used to it, but since I've written the little sequel to it, I kind of like this fic.  This was my first Snarry fic ever, so it holds a special place in my heart.  It isn't as polished as the others, I think, but it works for me anyway, which is rare.

Playing With Toys. HP, Luna/Draco, NC-17, 1332 words.  Shameless unadulterated smut in which Luna tops Draco with a double-headed strap-on.  I've been told that it's really porny XD.  It's probably the porniest thing I've written in HP fandom, and while it's not great writing I'm kind of fond of it because I like all the things I write with Luna in them.

Rainbow in the Dark.  Oniisama E, Kaoru/Rei, NC-17, 1272 words.  This was the first bit of femslash I ever wrote.  It's not perfect, and it's from a fandom that no one ever reads, but I think it's still one of my favorite things that I've written.  It's a really angsty piece, but manages to be sort of quiet and sad, I think.

Shift. Prince of Tennis, Niou/Yagyuu, R, 4669 words.  This is an AU in which Niou is a shapeshifter and Yagyuu is a scientist who studies him.  I think it's my favorite Prince of Tennis thing that I've written.  I like the idea and I like bits of the dialogue.  It manages to be a complete story in under 5000 words, which makes it a quick read.

Phone calls. Saiyuki, Gojyo & Hakkai pre-slash, PG-13, 470 words.  This is only a small piece, several hundred words long, but I really like it anyway.  I'm kind of proud that I was able to write a Saiyuki thing, and thought Gojyo worked particularly well here.  And I just like the idea of Gojyo and Hakkai in an AU setting, as cops, because I like buddy cop shows.

recs, fic

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