Title of story [Characters/Pairings in the story]
(rating | genres | word count | type of story) short summary of story
Desserts [Japan & Taiwan]
(T | fluff, romance | 400 words | ficlet) Just follow Taiwan for this once.
Follow Me [Japan & Taiwan]
(T | fluff, romance | 286 words | ficlet) A heart-warming dessert on a gloomy day of Japan's.
Sensitive [England & Seychelles]
(T | fluff, romance | 371 words | ficlet) In which England is trying to find the first gift Seychelles gave him.
The Past [Spain & Belgium]
(T | romance | 252 words | ficlet) Belgium's mind just wanders into the past.
50 Astounding Moments [Ruby & Sapphire Birch]
(T | humour, romance | 3204 words | 50 sentences challenge) Take five! This is the last batch of 50 sentences revolving around 50 themes, portraying the astounding and amazing moments between Ruby and Sapphire.
50 Blissful Moments [Ruby & Sapphire Birch]
(T | humour, romance | 3392 words | 50 sentences challenge) Take four! More blissful moments between Ruby and Sapphire in 50 sentences about 50 themes.
50 Cherished Moments [Ruby & Sapphire Birch]
(T | humour, romance | 2588 words | 50 sentences challenge) Take three! Here are another 50 themes and 50 sentences that describe moments which both Ruby and Sapphire cherished so much.
50 Delightful Moments [Ruby & Sapphire Birch]
(T | humour, romance | 2347 words | 50 sentences challenge) Take two! 50 themes and 50 sentences that describe Ruby and Sapphire's delightful (sorta) moments together.
50 Enchanted Moments [Ruby & Sapphire Birch]
(T | humour, romance | 2083 words | 50 sentences challenge) 50 themes and 50 sentences that describe Ruby and Sapphire's enchanting moments together.