Lust List

Feb 04, 2006 15:04

Stolen from foxxcub and about half of the rest of my flist. Heh.

Ground Rules: Name your Top 20 "However Many I End Up With" List Of Lust, in no particular order. Your neighbor or grade school teacher doesn't count. The list can be male, female or mixed. They can be real life celebrities or characters in a movie or TV show. For example, you might want to gag Mariska Hargitay, while still lusting after Butchy McFabulous Olivia Benson. Tag 5 people on your flist to do this meme.

This is different from my Men of the Year posts. Those were based on talents and big accomplishments in '05. (Even if some of them sure are purdy too, hehe.)

These guys? They're just the ones I lust over. Hee!

In no certain order:

- Characters -

Jayne Cobb // Firefly
It just doesn't get more manly than Jayne Cobb. He's dirty, rough, and just flat out fucking hot. Who wouldn't lust after this bad-ass?

Dr. Jack // Lost
What a sexy, island leader. If I'm ever stranded on an island, I demand this guy is there to take charge. Preferably while wearing that sexy shirt, hee!

Luke Danes // Gilmore Girls
OMG, guh! Luke Danes is the perfect man. Scruffy, eyes to die for - hell, I'm even digging the flannel and backwards ballcap because it's part of the Luke Danes package.

Sawyer // Lost
Bad boys with a heart buried down deep under all the DIRTY are totally fucking hot.

Sheriff Lamb // Veronica Mars
I kinda have a thing for dicky TV cops, it's true. But if finding dicky Sheriff Lamb totally hot is wrong, I don't wanna be right, hee!

Lex Luthor // Smallville
Stoically chilly, guarded, calculating, and perfectly put together on the outside (while falling to pieces on the inside) is suprisingly pretty damn sexy. It's the eyes. Lex gives away more about how he's feeling with his eyes than he'd ever want to. It's pretty hot.

Rocket Romano // ER
Yes. I lusted over Rocket Romano. Quit laughing. He's not really classically attractive, but the personality was totally fucking hot. He always had pretty girls hanging off his arms (when he had arms, that is, lmfao) because Romano believed he was the hottest thing in the room, so you kinda had to believe it too. Confidence is sexy.

Lionel Luthor // Smallville
He's totally sexy. Evil and soulless, but sexy. The voice. God, the voice is enough to make anyone lust after him. He'd fuck you over, in the good way AND the bad way, heh, and you'd damn well love every minute of it.

Pacey Witter // Dawson's Creek
I can't even stand to watch DC anymore and sometimes that damn near kills me. That was my show. I loved it so fucking much. (Damn you Krazy Katie Holmes, damn you all to hell!) But there's still that part of me that will always think of Pacey Witter and smile.

Angelus // Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Speaking of soulless. Angel never really did much for me, in any way, on Buffy. He didn't even have the humor thing going for him that he had on Ats. But as Angelus. Now, he was sexy. You'd get your neck ripped out for your troubles, no doubt, but he was still totally lust-worthy, lol.

Dr. Cox // Scrubs
Another one of those not so classically attractive men (though, really, have you seen his body? DAMN.) but the personality makes him totally smokin'. Completely rough around his high guarded edges, but caring deep down. And funny. I love the funny.

Doug Witter // Dawson's Creek
Dicky cop with a hidden heart of gold? You betcha. So damn hot.

Dr. House // House
Snarky is sexy.

Weevil // Veronica Mars
Weevil love you long time. I bet you would. Mmm, how I bet you would, hee!

Kal // Smallville
Clark doesn't do much for me at all. Dorktastically adorable at times? Sure. But hot? Not really. Hell, I don't even find Welling all that attractive in general. But Kal? Fuck yes, Kal is totally hot. We should do away with Clark and just have Kal all the time. Lex and Clark is pretty hot. But Lex and Kal together? Holy freakin' guh. Screw Clex, bring on the Klex, hee! It would melt brains, I tell you! Brains!

Keith Charles // Six Feet Under
Claire gave us a better explanation than I could: Big Black Sex Cop.

Dean Winchester // Supernatural
HotDean is, well, hot. That's all there is to it. Hot.

Tommy Gavin // Rescue Me
Fucked up beyond the telling of it is apparently hot. Heh.

Malcolm Reynolds // Firefly
Big. Damn. Hero.

- Actors -

Matthew Fox
If you asked me what I thought the perfect man should look like? That's him, right there. And the mangiggle. Oh, how I love the mangiggle.

Michael Rosenbaum
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I didn't get the appeal of him just by looking at him. Decidedly average. Not so pretty you had to take notice. Not so manly that you'd single in on him either. Not even so unique looking that he had that "character actor" appeal going for him. Nothing special. Oh, man, it's the personality! He just seems like, in any given room, that he'd be the most fun person there. Fun is sexy. He has an energy...a presence to him that makes me imagine people have been stopping and taking notice of him all his life. And that makes him SO SEXY.

Josh Holloway
Dimples and hair and a southern accent - OH MY! Josh is fucking hot. We all know this.

Christian Kane
His smokey voice is sex on a stick. Plus, he's one of the masters in the art of eyefucking on film. Totally hot.

Hugh Laurie
Scruffy, gorgeous eyes, funny - so very hot.

J. August Richards
Look at him all sprawled out there. Very sexy.

Ryan Reynolds
Hot! Funny! HOT!

Bradley Cooper
His eyes. Man he has beautiful eyes.

Jensen Ackles
The man who was once (I wholeheartedly believed) correctly labled "Blandy McBland" by TWoP, is now so fucking hot. A haircut, and a perfect role can do WONDERS for ones sex appeal.

I know there's tons more I could add, but I'm just too tired. (Read: too lazy to open PS again, heh.)

Now I have to do the dreaded homework for my online class. Why do I always wait until the last minute? Gah. Le sigh.

crap, memes

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