Desperate Housewives: Here it is wednesday and I just now got to watch DH. But, it was pretty much worth the wait. This show is killing me! Like a Veronica Mars mystery I can't wait to find out what the deal is with this new family and their deep, dark, daughter slapping, pick axe hole, secret! I just knew Susan was gonna kill the gay's dog. I was so scared for that dog. I also loved Orson on the Mo-ped...endless laughs. The bummer? No Nathan this week, I missed his smiling face, woe is me.
House: I've heard that some people are offended by House harassing his Mormon kid, well, it doesn't bother me all that much because, it's House, of course he would mock. I really enjoyed Foreman trying to come back with dignity and Cuddy slapping him down. After all his whining, he still turned out to be House, and better yet...he isn't even classic House, just House Lite. Let's not forget the grave digging moment:
"What the hell?"
"What is it?"
"ankles, they buried him backwards."
You're saying, "Crystal? Have you lost it? You can't talk about Veronica Mars, it's been canned." I'm here to brighten your day and tell you that season 3 is now on DVD and it comes with lots of extras. I don't have the budget to buy it yet, but most of the extras can be found on youtube. I recommend checking out the 10 minute FBI pilot Rob Thomas shot. It was a little bitter for me though, I would have loved to have seen it as a show. *sob* I think I need ice cream now. For you? here's the link to the hilarious blooper reel from season 3.
Funny stuff here