Here is a page kinda-based/kinda-not to the comic I'm working on. Not related to the main story as of yet, just a fun idea bouncing around in my head with nothing better to do than to come out on paper =)
The characters are Clay Wielandt and Sistina (_____). She needs a last name. I'm thinking Sobark. Clay is heavily based on Christopher McCandless/Alexander Supertramp. So much so that he is accused of being a reincarnation of him by the other characters. Sistina is based on me. Hell, she is me. An anti-materialist to the extreme. She and Clay are the two original ANARCHS...people who have completely rejected society to live in the wild, taking up odd jobs occasioanlly to buy clothes/gear as needed.
Anyway, here's a poorly drawn/inked scenario...Clay and Sistina discussing how shallow their relationship would be if they were cash/thing-centric. You know, "if my mate doesn't spend his/her whole paycheck on me, we're so done"...
keep clicking on the image til it gets big enough for you to read it =)