Mar 12, 2008 10:32
Once again, I am in need of help with this little problem of mine.
You see, we're going to the US in mid-April. And probably Korea, too, if our plans push through. Sounds fun, right? Who would pass up on an opportunity to see the world?
Well, yes, it is exciting and definitely worth looking forward to, but sometimes, I don't feel so enthusiastic about going abroad this summer. Why? Summer classes. Not that I'm required to take any; I passed the ITM diagnostic test and I'm not taking any remedial subjects, which means that I technically don't have to take any summer classes.
However, I do want to lighten my load for the next term, which I hear will be heavy, what with accounting and statistics (hell!). I want to be credited in certain subjects, so they can be credited and replaced with electives. Then I will be free to take whatever electives I like and thus pursue my dream of getting a minor. Or three minors, even.
If I want to take three minors and graduate on time, I definitely must take summer classes! I don't know if I would survive if I overload my units for the next term (assuming that I make it to the Dean's List, I can go beyond the prescribed number of units).
I've already taken FLC 1 (Foreign Language and Culture) - remember Nihongo class last semester? So it's as good as having taken one class in advance. If I take two classes this summer, I will be credited in six units. All in all, if I'm not mistaken, three units from last sem plus six units credited this summer will leave me with three free electives. Wow! Perfect! If I overload an additional three units, after the first semester of the next term, I will have become a Japanese Studies minor! (And then it's on to Lit.)
But the problem - the big, big problem - is the trip/s abroad. My family planned it out because my dad figured that we - especially I - all need a break this summer, what with things getting hectic and all. Funny how I can't actually unwind because I'll be thinking of summer classes.
I don't want to miss out on the opportunity of taking summer classes and lightening my load. At the same time, I don't want to miss out on seeing foreign sights. And besides, my dad already bought me tickets long ago, long before he even heard that I was planning to take summer classes. It would cause him more problems to have my ticket cancelled. And knowing my family - slightly detached we may be from one another - they wouldn't feel too happy about leaving someone behind.
So, what do I do? My proposed solution is to just push through with the trip and ask my prof's (or profs') permission to take a leave of absence for a week or so. Yes, I know, I will miss out on a whole lot of work, but that's better than completely missing out on the chance to lighten my load. I am even willing to take my laptop with me so I can receive homework and lecture updates through e-mail. However, I do not know if this is allowed, if cases like this have happened before. I also do not know if this will cause my prof/s to hate me; if he/she/they is/are the vindictive, grudging type, he/she/they will have good reason to dislike me and think of me as the lazy, easygoing student. :(
Someone, anyone, please tell me what you think.