Downfallen, fallen, falling...

Feb 27, 2008 22:52

Because, to borrow a line from the Death Note OP, I've always been to this to free all this pain...

This line from Waiting for Godot, a play we studied for Lit, particularly struck me:

Estragon: "We always find something, eh Didi, to give us the impression we exist?"

And that's how I feel right now. There's this feeling of emptiness and insignificance eating away at me right now. If I do exist, or at least seem to exist, why do I feel like I don't exist at all? Why do I feel invisible? I don't know exactly what triggered this emo-ness, this sort of depression in me (oh no not again), but I feel so alienated and disconnected right now. Well, I was always sort of detached to begin with, but I'm feeling really, really detached/disconnected/whatever right now. For some reason, it's like I can't connect to anyone or anything at the moment.

Maybe it's because I miss my friends. Or maybe it's because I'm - gasp - probably unconsciously wasting and pining myself away. I don't know anymore.

And maybe the fact that I'm listening to "Howling" right now isn't helping. To quote the lyrics:

I don't want anything anymore
I don't feel the way as before...

Downfallen, fallen, falling...
Cold inside, just howling in the shadows...

Richmond - someone - tell me what is wrong with me. *sigh* Here we go again; brooding over things I shouldn't be brooding about. (And no, I am NOT depressed because of academics, okay? Yes, maybe some academic matters aren't exactly roses and rainbows and sunshine right now, but I feel depressed because of other things.)
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