Aug 31, 2009 20:34
So my boyfriend and I were discussing art and styles and such, as we tend to do from time to time. The subject of the great movement against super-desu art came about. Lately on DA I've noticed that people tend to rebel against the whole uber desu style and crazy animeness by going what is perceived as the complete opposite direction by going uber Western. This results in things like people creating the zaniest, most exaggerated expressions they possibly can and sticking to two-tone shading and all that other jazz.
Now, this is all well and fine, right? After all, desu/anime style in general is the devil, right? Western art is uber original and everyone's style is a special snowflake and thus the style far superior in comparison, am I right?
Lately I've kind of been questioning it.
Now you see, I have no problem with western style stuff. I love it. I love the zany movement to it, I love the crazy expressions, I love to see well done two-toned shading, I love all of it. The people who I have on my watch list who draw like this? I love their stuff, I wouldn't watch them if I didn't.
However... there's this whole movement about how OMG WESTERN ART IS SO MUCH MORE EXPRESSIVE AND ORIGINAL THAN ANIME AND BLAHBLAHBLAH! And it kind of bothers me. Because you know what? I've been looking at a lot of zany Western stuff lately. And once the initial "OH MAN THIS IS SO GREAT AND EXPRESSIVE AND AAAA!" wears off... a lot of it looks pretty much the same. Like, those zany expressions? Sometimes they look kinda similar to me.
Now, I'm not saying that kind of art is bad. Because it's not, I love it. I love the expressiveness. I think it's a wonderful style. Kudos to you if you draw it. Changing styles, trying something new is always a great thing. That's what it takes to find your own thing. Hell, I am still in the process of doing that myself. However, what bothers me is how people act like it's OH SO SUPERIOR because it's not anime.
You know how anime has those stock expressions for stuff? I kind of have to wonder if the crazy western stuff is the same way. I understand if you prefer one thing over another or if you think something looks better. Nothing wrong with that, everyone has their preference. All art styles have things that can be critiqued, ways it can be improved, etc, etc. No piece is ever perfect.
However... saying one style is superior to another, endlessly mocking a style just because you're not a fan, going as far as to say this stuff isn't art? That's kinda pretentious guys.
I'm not saying anime is better. Honestly? I don't care either way. If I think it looks good, that's good enough for me. Do I prefer if people manage to take a style and put a new spin on it, make it theirs? Yeah, I do, but that's really hard to do. It doesn't mean the anime stuff or the western stuff or whatever is bad. It just means certain people want to draw in a certain style and as long as they're pushing themselves to improve artistically and find their own thing and all that jazz, that's all that matters. Draw what you love, that's what is important.
I'm not really sure why I'm writing this. I guess I just see the declarations of how OMG WESTERN IS SO MUCH BETTER JUST BECAUSE IT'S NOT ANIME and it frustrates me. I love Western, I'm even considering trying to draw it more... but seeing the way people just endlessly hate on one style when the current "movement" can lean toward the same thing.
I don't mean to insult anyone and this isn't directed at anyone in particular. And people who draw Western art and prefer it because it's more expressive, PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS AS A DIG AGAINST YOU. It's just... I've seen all the "RAGE IT'S ANIME AAAH WESTERN IS SUPERIOR BECAUSE IT'S MORE EXPRESSIVE!" and I just... wanted to type out my thoughts, I guess.
That'll be all. You may proceed to throw bricks now.