A Record Review: Tove Lo - Queen of the Clouds

Mar 03, 2015 17:46

This has long been overdue. And because I’m currently still anticipating whether my thesis is going to be approved - to be honest, the anxiety is killing me but let's get on with the program either way - by the adviser for the pre-orals hopefully by next week, I’m finally doing this record review due days and days ago since I got my hands on a copy of it. Also, this entry is cross-posted onto my Tumblr.

Quirky songwriting is always what I think of when I listen to Tove Lo. Quirky and modern…because who would ever think of incorporating words like ‘fuck,’ ‘sex clubs’, ‘eating, sleeping in bathtubs’ more tastefully, rather creatively into song lyrics and still speak of universal truths of modern day living as a lady/woman/female but her, really? Tove Lo is as painfully modern and classy as fuck as she can get on this record. She can also get quite piercing in presenting truths of what goes on between the dynamic of a man and a woman's romantic relationship...s. Much like she does with Truth Serum - which has been my drug before this beautiful thing of an album happened - where truth of how it's like to try to get over a heartbreak is presented in grim realities: like when you try to get high to get over someone or numb all those leftover feelings; or go partying just so you forget him as well as forget how your life has changed since your break-up with him; or even sleep around with whoever because you don't want to be alone with your thoughts of the one who broke your heart....with Queen of the Clouds, she takes us on a ride through the progressions of a typical romantic relationship as she sees it. Perhaps even as she had experienced it. Or even...as anyone sees it because it is that easy to relate with.

If you're asking what universal truths or realities I am speaking of when Tove Lo's lyrics may come off trashy to your ears, it’s this: the album is literally divided into 3 parts. And because it would be too redundant to explain this one, I'd just let the three dividing recorded lines to speak for every part of the album right here: "The passion in the beginning is always going to be the best part of it…" - The Sex (Intro); "And then you freak out ‘cause suddenly you meet this person…" - The Love (Interlude); and, "And then there’s no good way to end things, ‘cause it’s ending, you know?" - The Pain (Interlude). Then when you get back to the first track, you later realize you’ve been sucked into this endless cycle of how it’s like to be out there to flirt and find someone to be with, then find someone to be in the middle of relationship...so in love that it's like you're puking rainbows at some point and then when this whole candies and bubblegum affair ends, you get into a huge fight of all fights with the significant other and you're stuck wondering how you'll move on but you will anyway...then by the last track, you're back at square one.

A lot of the songs in the album...I can actually resonate with or relate with. No surprise there because we've all been there, we've done these things as well. Except in my case, I've never really been in a long-term relationship. Flirted with a lot of those I liked (nothing progressed because what the heck, you guy crushes I have in real life?!), slept with someone (on a whim), yes. Oh and propositioned a lot of times...that may have been stupid of me to refuse although it was because one was drunk as hell and the other was...just for a one-time thing I didn't really like either - I don't sleep around but some men apparently mistake me for someone who does. Short-term relationship, maybe...mostly only until courtship. As to getting into a long-term relationship...I'm a person full of drama when I'm supposed to loathe all of it (life dramas) so I never really last in one. Basically, these are all encapsulated within the whole of Tove Lo's Queen of the Clouds and it's that ridiculously simple to relate with. It reminds me a little of Lana Del Rey's first album but better because this one has a more optimistic tone on the first and second parts of it and does not get depressing until it moves onto the third part. Another difference between this and Lana's first album is that Lana's tends to revolve around death and dying, Tove Lo's is just about having fun and meeting men of different kinds on the first part, then falling in love with one of them, then getting depressed at the end of a relationship because it just doesn't work out most of the time.

And let's move onto the review. Some of my favorites (in bold, italicized text) from this record include:

My Gun - It’s not as up there as Like ‘em Young or Talking Body for me but it’s definitely a club song I’d like to hear over loud speakers… I’d even dance to it either in my room, alone or under the moon and stars, beach-side…with sands at my feet…okay, we’re waxing poetics. Let’s move on.

Like ‘em Young - some of the lines just resonate well with me on this because I’m one of those who, even at a couple of decades and 7 years running, I’m still feeling young and all. Oh and a bonus thought: Tove Lo and I are about the same age, I’m probably just a month and a few days older than her. Also, I like this song because…lol, it sounds a bit cougar-ish but not really. A cougar’s theme song? But I swear I haven’t fallen for anyone younger than I am…ok…maybe because my fandom is mostly made up of boys from Ebidan or Avex or something…hmn…I admit to it. LOL. With lines like: "I can tell they’re lyin’, ‘cause we’re all slowly dyin’…I like ‘em young/I like ‘em young/I like ‘em young/young like me…" What’s there not to like about this song, really?

Talking Body - What captivates me from this track is this: "Now if we’re talking body/you got a perfect one, so put it on me/swear it won’t take you long/now if you love me right, we fuck for life…" Typical live and let live, let’s flirt and make out and then fuck song I could definitely hear over loud club speakers…or elsewhere. I don’t really know either. This is officially my flirting in a bar or elsewhere anthem. Haha.

Timebomb - something about falling in love with someone who’s the direct opposite and being skeptical about it that later, when you do get together, you get proven wrong because you’re so much of a timebomb-type of fit…it’s like there are celebratory fireworks in the sky. I’m not sure if you get where I’m going here so let’s go to the next track… One thing though, this is definitely a good transition song over to the second part of the album. :D

Moments - “I’m not the prettiest you’ve ever seen but I have my moments, I have my moments/Not the flawless one I’ve ever been/But I have my moments, I have my moments/I can get a little drunk, I get into al the dont’s/But on the good days  I am charming as fuck…” Amen. Hallelujah! Gospel of truth from the Queen of the Clouds right there. <3 I'm pretty sure women can relate with this, especially those as old as Tove Lo and I...

The Way That I Am - the least you can do is love me the way I am because I’m not willing to change for anyone… (Now if only there was someone like that around here...)

Got Love - we got love that’s "good enough to make the ocean look like it’s a pond/good enough to turn the valleys into mountain tops"…ok. I have got to officially find myself a love like this which is a pain to look for by the way so I don’t even bother. But I really love the creative writing on this one and the catchy chorus and music. OH. DEAR. GOD. Favorite!

Not On Drugs - "I'm not on drugs, i'm just in love..." I don't douse myself in drugs except maybe if I get to try ecstasy in rave clubs or parties but I have yet to go there and experience what good times to have there so let's just leave this here. It's probably how falling deep in love feels like. Kind of inspires me to fall in love with someone but more like...not really.

Thousand Miles - I wouldn't run one of those thousand miles, much more, all of them, to be honest.

Habits - because I’ve heard this one over and over on Tove Lo’s EP, Truth Serum. Until now, I can’t get enough of it. I’m not even heartbroken at the moment but since I have a soft spot for anything gritty, depressing, this is one of my jams in this album…just as Truth Serum once was my entire jam. I just have this glorious fixation with depressing, break-up and some angry break-up songs like Icona Pop’s I Love It I don’t even know much of what life’s all about. Haha.

This Time Around - There was a time when I used to be the best girl for you then everything changed come almost the end of things…and now I’m just numb and it’s not the same anymore as it was in the past. SOME THINGS JUST RING TRUE WHEN RELATIONSHIPS END~

Run On Love - “We can run on love for awhile…we can run on love ‘til it dies, ‘til it dies again….” Emphasis on run on love until it dies because it does die. Also this is one really groovy, well-remixed song I’d dance to this all night. Whoever is the DJ responsible for this is quite awesome. <3

Love Ballad - "Chop off my hands/Chop off my feet/I’d do it for you/Ain’t love sweet?….Stab my heart, bleeding out/If you feel doubt about me loving you/’Cause oh, I do…Pour gasoline on me/Oh, yes I burn slowly/So that you feel that I am for real…Chorus: ‘Cause this is my one true sacrifice/It never gets old/No need for you to roll the dice/I’m the one to hold…" Well…really, now? Ain’t love sweet? (Do you still want to fall in love?) I’m used to it being this sweet either way. Morbid but gospel truth again right there. This is just how much I love Tove Lo’s tracks, I’d quote almost the whole thing if things grab at me from the get go. <3

Stay High (Habits remix) - club song. let’s just dance~
If there's anything I really like about this album, it's that IT MAKES ME FEEL. Some of the songs on it might have yet to grow on you but the album is as cohesive as it can be which is what I like about well-made albums. The flow from one song to another is always the one thing that I love about such albums...the kind that makes you forget that you've come to the end before it goes to the first track again...? BLISS. *insert hearts here* Tove Lo makes me want to fall in love, stumble, get hungover but probably not cry if only for brief spells and then do it all over again. Now, TAYLOR WHO?!?!? I like Taylor Swift but Tove Lo, this time around, is queen for me. Thanks for bringing to life the modern day romantic in me, Tove Lo! :) Keep on keepin' on, babe. <3

Oh and P.S.
This is one of the best albums to dance the night away anywhere, in my opinion...or it will tide me over until someone else unseats Tove Lo as the clouds' queen...

love, musings, western music, my choice of drug, record, western pop music, music, life, album: queen of the clouds, addiction, artist: tove lo, modern music, dance music, random

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