Vet appointment

Apr 11, 2009 10:45

I took Dahlia to the vet this morning for her yearly vet appointment. She did really well there. They weighed her and she weighs 52 lbs according to their scale, so she's still doing well in that regard (she weighed 55.5 lbs the last time we went there!). They drew blood and she didn't yelp. She was hilarious when she came back into the room with me. She was limping like she'd been injured or something and all because she had a bandage around her leg. Silly dog. The vet tech was most amused at the way she lifted her paw up to me when she came back in. Pathetic doggy.

The vet was quick with her, said she was healthy, that she'd do well with agility and was at a good weight for that. He gave her the other two vaccines. She yelped at the first one, but did fine with the second. Poor girl.

It turns out that she has hookworms. She could have picked that up anywhere, even from just lying around on the grass. We've already given her the pill for that, so she should be good to go.

I also got a call when I was home and she tested positive for lyme disease. WTF. She has no signs of it so it could be an inactive infection, but we have to bring her back in on Monday to get more blood drawn to send off. She may have to be on antibiotics. I hope she's ok -- lyme disease sounds pretty worrying.

After the exam, we took a nice long walk in the Erie Canal Park with my Mom and Teri. My mom got a chance to see a bit more of Dahlia's excited side (see Mom, she's not always so calm!). The interesting thing is my Mom said she looks so much like Bandit (our Border collie when I was younger) that it's uncanny. Interesting.

erie canal park, dahlia-lyme, dahlia-walk, mom, dahlia-health, teri, dahlia

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