Gosh it feels like AGES since I've gotten out and taken a bunch of pictures. Today was gorgeous...mid-30s and partly cloudy. So I took Dahlia for a walk and got some photos. I didn't get as many as I wanted though. Either my battery didn't charge up totally or something is wrong with it because I got in about 60 shots before it died. Now, mind you, I was taking them in RAW+JPG so each shot took up about 15MB in two different files. So I guess it's possible that takes up more battery power? But still...I came away with around 130-140 files from this battery which is WAY less than I usually can get. I'm going to hope that perhaps I just didn't charge it all the way. Sometimes the thing gets unplugged slightly and I don't notice. The light goes out when it's done charging so maybe it really was out because it was slightly unplugged. We'll see!
So anyway, I went out to lunch with my mother and then came back to her house to hang out. Dahlia and I went for a walk out at the nature preserve behind the local middle school and I took my camera along.
Can you tell where Dahlia is missing fur? LOL
If you zoom in on this photo, you can see her scar.
We've gone this way before, but as you can see, it's flooded so that was a no go.
But Mom, I wanna go into the flooded area!
Do you think she'll jump it?
She was quite pleased with herself.
Muddy paw print
And then my camera dies, so you get no more photos. *sadface* However, the photo of Dahlia leaping was TOTALLY worth it.