The day started off with taking Dahlia to the vet's (at 8:30am on a Saturday morning...argh!) for another lyme titer. Another $80 down the drain. I'll find out on Monday if the levels have come down far enough to not worry about it or if she needs more antibiotics. I hope this is the end of it. I know Dahlia would very much like to avoid
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Sometimes she DOES stay a bit too velcroed to me, but she walks behind me, not next to me (and that drives me nuts as I want to watch her). I really want her to enjoy her off leash time as her time to just explore (if I walked her off leash in the middle of the city it would be a different thing!). Its safe, no cars or anything, just walkers and runners.
If another person is coming, I'll call her to me and ask her to sit while they pass. She does well with that. If another dog is coming I usually leash her up unless the other person says there's no need to.
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