Mar 05, 2008 21:39
You might remember I vented...loudly...about the PTC a few weeks ago. For those not in the know, PTC stands for Parents Television Council. They wanna tell you what to watch because apparently, their kids can watch whatever they want at whatever time they want because they're horrible parents. So they overcompensate by trying to get shows banned.
Well, I was thinking today about something I'd seen on their website and I realized something deeper about something I touched on there. Take a look at this list:
-My Dad Is Better Than Your Dad
-Fast Cars and Superstars
-Everybody Loves Raymond
-1 Vs. 100
-7th Heaven
-Just for Laughs
Any guesses what these 6 shows have in common? If you guessed that these shows were all either given Appropriate for all ages ratings or called "The Best on Network TV" by the PTC, you're correct. I left other shows off this list...not because they dont prove my point, but cuz i dont want to talk or no deal and national bingo night (also listed) because i think itd be like kicking a paraplegic after i took away their wheelchair for me to show just how utterly INANE some of the shows they've picked are.
No, I picked these 6 for a special reason. Lets see what weve got here. In the previous list, I mentioned that 1 Vs. 100 and Everybody Loves Raymond are not family viewing. This isnt a personal opinion, this is based off their idea that sex and violence is wrong...particularly the sex part. I'd love to hear the parent explain to their kid who the 10 hooters waitresses or 3 drag queens in the mob are or listen to the discussion about sex that HAD to come around at some point in Everybody Loves Raymond (ITS A MODERN SITCOM FOR CHRISSAKES). 7th Heaven's an offender there too. What the hell do you think a Very Special Episode of ANYTHING is about. Someone raped someone on that show or had a marriage while they were young or something on that show. I dont know, I didnt watch. But for chrissakes, you cant have a show about a Pastor's family on a network that long and not have moral tension. And if you've got issues with moral tension in your life on other shows you should also have it here.
These other 3...hmm....Fast Cars and Superstars. Washed up has beens drive really fast and turn left. Did I miss something where the show has any redeeming intelligence value whatsoever? "LOOK MOMMY IS JEWEL, WILLIAM SHATNER, AND JOHN CENA"(I got that from the ad. I'm not stupid enough to tune in). SINCE WHEN WAS NASCAR FAMILY PROGRAMMING? And if it is, remind me to punch my ticket on the way to canada....Total and full redneck nation is not something I want to experience.
And lastly: Just for Laughs: lets all teach our kids to be practical jokers and then see how that turns out in a few years. But worst of all is My dad...etc. This is their current best show on broadcast tv. Don't get me wrong, broadcast generally sucks. But are you seriously telling me that, as per their review, they have no problem with the egotistical nature inherent in this show idea? of the concept that the kids are forcing their parents to compete for, if they lose who knows, their affections? This isnt just stupid...ITS FUCKING WARPING. Anyone can see that.
So whats the big reason I hate the PTC more? THEY CANT EVEN RECOMMEND A SHOW WITHOUT BEING HYPOCRITES! I saved my biggest point for last. American Idol. It's ruining and diluting our music pool. The fact that more people vote for american idol than the president is sad, disturbing, and contributes to the fact that much of the world hates us. What's the PTC say? Well they say its not recommended for all audiences....because DURING THE AUDITIONS THEY USE BAD LANGUAGE. ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME????? They actually claim that ITS SUITABLE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AFTER THAT BECAUSE THEY DONT USE BAD LANGUAGE WHEN ITS DOWN TO THE FINAL 12. WHAT AT LEAST I THINK IS THE DOWNFALL OF AMERICAN TASTE IS GOOD TELEVISION TO YOU IGNORANT FUCKS????? Meanwhile, again, things that air at 10 are bad. like the Comedy central roast of flavor flav (which was one of PTC's worst of last year). Was it funny? No. Cursing and sex talk? yes. BUT IT AIRS WHEN YOUR FUCKING KID SHOULD BE IN BED YOU UNFIT, NEGLIGENT, BUSYBODY, ASSHOLE PARENT!
(and remember folks. I watch south park. and horror movies. bloody violent things. crude humor like family guy and sarah silverman. It made me into such a pox on humanity...being a scientist for an international company and all, paying my own rent on my own apartment. John Carpenter once said reading the old Tales from the Crypt comics which were supposed to turn kids into delinquents turned him into a movie director. Don't you fuckers ever learn? History repeats itself either because you let it, or you make it. Guess which one these idiots are doing. Want a real educational learning experience you twits? Try googling "Dr. Frederic Wertham" to see who you are and "Senate Subcommitte on Juvenile Delinquency" to see the stupid end result of what you're creating. You ruined an entire genre before with specious arguments and fuckedup logic. Stop repeating yourselves.)
(hopefully thisll be my last PTC post.)