7 Days to Die

Feb 18, 2016 01:57

So the other day, I bought a game from Steam that I've been wanting to buy for quite a while now. It's called 7 Days to Die, and it's an open-world crafting and survival game. And what are you surviving from? The zombie apocalypse, of course. XD It was on sale for 50% off, so I figured I'd better snag it before the price went back up.

It seems to be a nice and realistic take on survival. You're out in the middle of nowhere, crafting tools and weapons from junk (wood, metal, grass, etc.). It's pretty interesting, once you figure out what to do. I had no idea what to do, so I kept getting killed within a few minutes of spawning. However, I watched a few tutorial videos on youtube, and it helped clarify some things, so hopefully I'll do better next time.

The only thing that isn't quite as realistic is how your player starts out only wearing underwear. I mean, srsly, no one ever goes out in underwear on a normal day (unless they've lost their minds). So starting out in underwear makes no sense.

The game primarily uses keyboard + mouse controls. Some say it's not that bad if you're used to it, but I...just can't get used to it. I have never played videos games with a keyboard and mouse in my whole life. So I used a program to map the keyboard/mouse commands to my controller, and that helped out a great deal.

What really annoys me (and this is why I despise first-person shooters in general) is how enemies can sneak up on you and kill you without warning. Sure, that's part of the realism, but I have times when I hear zombies snarling and stuff, and I'm looking around like crazy, but see nothing. Other times, I hear nothing, and I get murdered. Kinda makes you go WTF, you know? Sometimes I just die out of nowhere...from what I assume are natural causes. I.E. overheating, freezing to death, dehydration, etc. Because yeah, running around in the frozen tundra in your underwear is probably a bad idea.

Ultimately, I think I could get to enjoy this game once I get a grip on the resources and crafting. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get a grip on it, which can get frustrating pretty fast... =(

And of course, no review would be complete without images.


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