20th Anniversary Pokemon

Feb 02, 2016 15:06

So...as a lot of you know, this is the 20th anniversary of the Pokémon games. To celebrate, they're distributing the legendary Pokémon from each generation throughout the year. This month, February, is the month of Mew. If you go to Gamestop, they'll give you a card with the download code. (I was under the impression that I'd need to bring my system and download the Pokémon at the store.) I think it's awesome that they're doing this, because before now, there was virtually no way of (legitimately) obtaining these Pokémon. Next month will be the month of Celebi. You can find the info on the Pokémon and which month and location to obtain them on this website.

I went to Gamestop to obtain my Mew, and of course found a shit ton of neat stuff, it was hard to resist the urge to buy it all. At least it gave me an opportunity to take some awesome photos with my awesome HTC RE camera. =D

One thing I did end up buying was a Trigger Grip thing for my 2DS. As the name implies, it helps you get a better grip on the system, and has extra buttons to press down on the L and R shoulder buttons more comfortably. This could be useful when playing Resident Evil Mercenaries 3D, because that game involves some heavy use of the shoulder buttons.

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