On my search for religion and spiritualiuty, I have recently come to realize (ponder): why am i asking these questions? Why am I continually asking questions about the bible? I want to dig to the root of the beliefs and find what is true to me within them...
but what if I'm just asking questions until I find the answer I want to hear? And if I
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I chose Christianity because it is the one religion that I really feel I belong to. I don't know how I would be able to exist if I didn't believe that there was some being watching over us who brought meaning to our lives. Christianity makes me feel comfortable living in such an unfriendly world. Just to have this belief that there is much more to who I am than what I show on the surface. Just to know that there is someone who cares so much about me that He gave up his only son to give me a chance to reach eternal paradise. Just to feel that there is always someone there beside me no matter how lonely, afraid, or desperate I become. Christianity and my belief in the Lord helps me get through my most difficult days with a promise of better days in the future.
I honestly don't know if you got any sense out of what I have just said. It's always difficult for me to put the spiritual beliefs that I feel within my heart into words.
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