[fanfic] Opportunities

Apr 25, 2011 15:56

Fandom: Shinee

Pairing: Jongyu

Word Count: 1 749

Genre: fluff

For: itachibana13  for her Valentine's Day Request

This didn’t happen often.

Not that Jinki would complain about it, but it’s something he wasn’t used to. He just didn’t expect that Jonghyun would invite him to go out together, only the two of them. Usually he dragged Kibum along or didn’t even care about him at all.

But this time it was only them.

Jinki beamed at Jonghyun who was trying his English skills at a foreign man who happened to ask them for a picture. After a while Jonghyun gave up, irritated and hopeless, and left the man standing confused and slightly irritated where he was.

“Come on!” Jonghyun laughed at Jinki’s face and grabbed his hand, dragging him further away.

“Why did you want to go out again?” Not that he wasn’t enjoying it, but he learnt over the years to never trust Jonghyun blindly, especially if he made a fuss and being all secret about it.

He got no answer, but the grab around his hand tightened and Jinki glanced down on their linked hands. He wasn’t used to this, but it felt nice.

For a moment he forgot about their situation and Jonghyun’s plans and concentrated on the feeling of their hands pressed together. It definitely felt nice; different, but nice.

The next moment though he felt how Jonghyun came to an abrupt halt and he landed with a stabbing pain on the ground. His hand was still linked to Jonghyun and he looked up to stare at his laughing friend.

“Why are you always so clumsy, Jinki? You should have learnt by now to watch where you’re going.”

Jinki wanted to act irritated but he couldn’t when he saw the sparkle in Jonghyun’s eyes and the smile on his lips.

Instead he smiled sheepishly and let himself pulled up again just to be dragged away into a darker alley. He hadn’t noticed where they went but now he became aware that Jonghyun lead them into a part of the city he never visited before, not even with the staff.

“What are we doing here?” He almost whispered, for reasons he didn’t know, but he didn’t want to risk anything.

Jonghyun only smiled at him and acted all secretive, but Jinki couldn’t let it go now. Not when he wasn’t sure that they wouldn’t get into any trouble by Jonghyun’s crazy plan.

“Wait!” Jinki’s voice was unusual strong and he pulled Jonghyun back, so hard that he almost fell back into his arms.

A second later though the bright smile returned to his face and he now held onto Jonghyun’s waist.

“You first have to tell me where we’re going and what we’re planning to do. I’m not going anywhere before you didn’t explain. I know your little crazy mind, Jonghyun-ah. I’m not putting us into any danger.”

Jonghyun stared at him for a moment, once again taken aback by the sudden strength and boldness Jinki possessed when he acted like the leader he was.

“Well…” Jonghyun wanted this to be a surprise. He had planned it after talking with Kibum about how stressed and worn out Jinki lately seemed. It wasn’t dangerous or risky at all, but it seemed like there was really no way he could maintain the secret any longer.

The hand on Jonghyun’s waist moved a bit, showing Jinki’s impatience that usually didn’t last long before he snapped. He was someone who couldn’t hold back once he was irritated.

“Are you going to tell me or do we have to go back to the van?” Jinki was still smiling, but the serious tone in his voice made clear that he didn’t want to play along any longer.

“Fine.” Now Jonghyun was pouting and Jinki’s impatience subsided as fast as it came up. Nobody could resist Jonghyun’s puppy eyes and pout.

“I wanted to surprise you, but if you insist… There is that underground music store here and I thought you would be interested to visit it. There’s even a karaoke bar included.”

Jinki wasn’t completely convinced by that explanation but on the other side why should Jonghyun lie to him about such a trivial thing? So he released him and nodded slowly.

“Okay, let’s go then.” The happiness and sparkle in Jonghyun’s face was worthy enough to give it a try and let him have his way.

The store was not as big as they were used to from the local music stores they usually went to, but it had everything the heart desired and wasn’t so crowded.

Jinki and Jonghyun went through the aisles and had their fun with all the instruments and equipment they found.

They bought a few things and finally settled down on the chairs next to the karaoke room. It had been tiring but fun and Jonghyun naturally settled his head down on Jinki’s shoulder, making him jump a little. He really wasn’t used to this. Usually there would be Kibum who Jonghyun skinshipped with.
However it felt nice, really nice and Jinki thought that he could get used to this, to all of this.

“Are you sleeping, Jonghyun?” He sounded amused and couldn’t resist patting Jonghyun’s head while the only answer was a tired ‘mhm’.

His fingers combed through Jonghyun’s hair and Jinki’s sighed, feeling very content suddenly.

“So, is there a reason that you took me here today? It’s not often that we go out together.”

Jonghyun murmured something again but Jinki couldn’t catch it and when he felt him snuggle even more into his side and slipping an arm around his waist he couldn’t care less about the reason.

He almost dozed off himself but then he remembered that it was probably getting late and they still had to get back.

“Hey, wake up. We need to get back.” Jinki poked softly Jonghyun’s side and tried to get his shoulder away from Jonghyun’s head. However the other seemed to have other plans and stuck to his side like glue, clinging onto his waist and hiding his face in Jinki’s neck.

“Jonghyun-ah!” This time Jonghyun stirred and slowly looked up, blinking to focus on Jinki’s face.

“Mhm… I told them we would be coming back late.”

“But…” Jinki watched as Jonghyun rubbed at his face and tried to not laugh at the red marks his jacket left on his cheek.

He couldn’t say no when Jonghyun suggested going to the karaoke room and rent one for another hour. Maybe he was slowly getting used to this, getting familiar with Jonghyun’s constant touches and his smile at him with that damn sparkle in his eyes.

It was during a song Jonghyun was singing all by himself while Jinki was watching him that he wondered if that sparkle has always been there in Jonghyun’s eyes and if he showed it to everyone.

His gaze must have been so intense that Jonghyun turned around and looked at him, slightly questioning but still singing along to the song, a bit breathless and hyped up.

The song ended and Jonghyun slumped down next to Jinki, leaning close to him. Jinki only smiled and handed over a water bottle.

“Everything okay?” Jonghyun chuckled and nodded, leaning back until his back touched the wall.

“Ah, this is really good. Don’t you think so?” Jinki nodded in agreement without being noticed and copied Jonghyun’s position.

“Thank you.” The words came sudden and Jinki didn’t really think about it but it felt right and easy to say it right now.

Jonghyun only laughed at it, at him maybe and his eyes shone in the dimmed light of the room.

“Do you feel better now?” The suddenly serious question surprised Jinki and he looked away to think about the question.

“What makes you think I didn’t feel good before?” Jinki looked back at Jonghyun, smiling his usual smile and being like always, hiding his emotions so well he thought nobody could see through it.

“Do you think I’m stupid? Everybody can see that something’s been up the last days. You looked tired and stressed, but you didn’t want to talk about it. We know you, Jinki-ah.”

The words made Jinki lower his head and he stared at their hands, lying innocently next to each other. Suddenly he had the urge to grab Jonghyun’s hands and hold on to them. He had nothing else to hold on to.

“I’m the leader and-“ Jonghyun snorted and finished the sentence for him with words that sounded scoffing.

“-and you don’t want to burden us. You want to suffer in silence and solve everything on your own.”

For a moment they didn’t say anything and Jinki stared and didn’t dare to blink, afraid of what would happen if he did. He already felt a sting behind his eyelids and he never cried in front of anyone.

“Sorry.” The English word was so familiar, more than the pressure of his hands or the sparkle in his eyes. Jinki had to smile and he looked up again, meeting Jonghyun’s smiling eyes with his own wet ones.

“You’re really dumb, Lee Jinki.” Jonghyun laughed and pulled him into his arms. The sudden movement startled Jinki and he stiffened until he felt the warmth surrounding and welcoming him.

After a moment or two he eased into the embrace and sighed, letting out a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding.

“You want to know why I invited you today and spent this day together with you?”

Jinki just nodded and hid his face in Jonghyun’s chest, his fingers touching Jinki’s neck and stroking over his sides.

“Not only because I wanted to cheer you up.” Jonghyun released him again and took his face between his hands. This intimate movement made Jinki blush and he looked up at Jonghyun’s eyes to once again notice that sparkle, bright and warm.

“I wanted to have an opportunity to do this…” Jinki seemed confused but the next moment Jonghyun was kissing him.

He went stiff again and a thousand thoughts went through his mind, confusing him even more. But when he could feel how Jonghyun drew away, he clutched onto his sides and refused to let him go.

They kissed until they couldn’t breathe and then kissed again. Only the loud melody of Jonghyun’s mobile phone stopped them and while Jonghyun talked, Jinki stared at their hands, linked together on his lap with Jonghyun’s fingers lazily stroking his.

Maybe this sparkle was meant for him only all along and maybe he had been really dumb. But he really could get used to this.

[jongyu], *request fic, "opportunities", {shinee}, *fanfic

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