His "wife"? A horse. Right so there are a bunch of people who call themselves the "furries", ie people who think they are shape shifters, they have their animal calling and all that good stuff. I thought that took the slightly nuts cake, then was proven wrong.
Seriously, I was over on
otf_wank and this story cropped up. Apparently, this person his a polygamist who happens to have “The stallion mentality”, something along the lines of he can bang whoever he wants but the people he is with can't have other relationships. He then goes on to explain that "This is not a problem with my wife as she is not poly and does not mind that I am. She has no interest in anyone else but me." At this point the fact that said wife had four legs was not known. After a number of comments, in which this community civilly answered the query, someone pops up and asks if his "wife" was the mare he was talking about in earlier posts. Turns out she is.
My mind goggled, seriously wtf? On the one hand I couldn't stop laughing on the other it was horrifying. The excuses that one of his supporters
callmesilver came up with, were hilarious. They went along the lines of ...
You have tossed around a bunch of he-said she-said bullshit and tried to make miserable someone who, honestly, came here looking for advice. Because of the fact that said person happens to love a horse as very much a member of our family. Fucking pathetic, if you ask me.
And to think any one of you claims to be openminded. To this, I say bullshit.
For those of you throwing around terminology like some hot-shot know-it-alls, yeah, we do love animals. To the extent of loving them in ways not necessarily deemed normal. Such as that I have raised an orphaned foal and consider her, though by no means biologically, my own daughter. I spent weeks living in a barn to be sure she'd survive. So am I therefore wrong because "she's an animal not your kid"? Nice to know. Because having an animal as a child isn't normal by most people's standards.
To extend this concept to romance, yes, it's possible to love someone romantically without having sex with them. God forbid, do you always think with your loins? Do you spend every waking minute of your seemingly pathetic lives slobbering all over everyone that you care about? Do you always fuck on the first date, too? Oh, and lemme guess, you live in a trailer park with Bubba and have three kids in diapers, right? Stereotypes work both ways you know.
The whole report is available in detail at