A friend of mine sent this and it made me giggle ...

Dec 30, 2006 13:18

An Ode to Christmas

oh happy christmas time is here
the wallet empty for this year,
santa sat home nursing his head
too many drinks left him half dead
turkey is cooking, whats that smell
sprouts are burning oh bloody hell
wrapping paper litters the room
and your too drunk to get a broom
so slouch on the couch with a drink
with washing up piled in the sink
my head is spinning watching tv
the turkey does repeat on me
crackers pulled my hats on the floor
why do i go through this rapour
the queen wishes happy new year
drink to that with another beer
with 4 tons of food, drink inside
i feel the need to rush outside
the kid next door has a new bike
which totals me the little tyke
lying on the floor drunk and in pain
i thank god it's christmas again
turkeys are ate sandwiches call
even the dog is sick of it all
happy christmas, noel my friends
now turkey calls or the U bend

By Listeri69
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