Dreamt that I was working as a garbage truck driver for a major filthy metro. Just as I was about to unload my truck at the dump, a coworker stopped me. He pulled me out of the cab and around the truck where I saw that there were still twitching human body parts in my haul of garbage. I called 911. The operator refused to call the police, insisting that it was our problem now. Irritated, we picked the arms and legs and torso-bits out of the truck and laid them on the ground wondering what to do next.
Dreamt that I was doing something so lewd with the Boyfriend that I will not type it here. After, I discovered someone had killed my dog. Leonard Nimoy (as old Spock) gave me a ride on the back of his Harley Davidson and we chased the dog killer all over Philly before finally getting our revenge.
With dreams like this, you know it was a good weekend! Very relaxed despite mild allergy issues. I snuggled the hell out of my friend's cats. They are, I'm sad to say, much more photogenic than Fatboy.
Adorable cross-eyed cat.
Adorable cross-eyed cat and sexual harassment cat.
Fatboy trying to rock the sexy. Oh muffin. How are you ever going to get the ladies?