Dec 24, 2007 10:05
Dreamt that I designed a t-shirt logo for designated drivers. It read "I heart drunks b/c they make good ballast." The pic was of a car being driven alongside a cliff, with a gaggle of drunken idiots hanging out the opposite window.
Last night I dreamt that I was taking Imodium.
The Puppy and I spent the weekend prepping his home for my imminent arrival. We have a great deal of crap. My philosophy is to purge as much crap as humanly possible and then call it a day. This practice does not extend to my books. The Puppy would prefer to hang on to as many things as possible ... just in case. Sure, there is only going to be 2 of us in the apartment, and sure, we never (and I mean never) entertain. But fuck it, why shouldn't we keep 3 sets of dishware?
I am happy to report that this is his prerogative, and he is welcome to hoard as many dishes as he likes. As for me, I am hoping to pare my belongings down to a really nice cobalt blue rice bowl and a metric shit-ton of books. Spoons are optional.
I've been reading a rather powerful book about Zen Buddhism which focuses specifically on the precept of non-attachment. Wonderful timing. I've had this book for 15 years and never once cracked it open; yet it perfectly applies to my life as it is now. Although to be honest, I have always had very little patience for zen koans.
In other news of otherness, I have managed to completely misplace my DD-214. For anyone who has discharged from the military, you know that this is a Very Bad Thing.