i always forget these things

Dec 28, 2013 23:12

  1. believe in the people who love you. believe they exist and believe they are sincere.
  2. never live life watching numbers. fame, followers - these do not equate to an easier life, or a more content life.
  3. live with dignity - do not betray yourself to be favourable, do not submit to external pressures to change if it means losing who you really are and giving up what you really really love in the process.
  4. be healthy - exercise to stay fit and maintain a healthy weight; do not harm yourself to look 'attractive' and 'skinny'. there is more to you and more to life than appearance. learn to appreciate your body, and do not forget that being skinny is less important than being a good person.
  5. be gentler with others. do not be unnecessarily cruel to 'punish' them or 'give them what they deserve'. you, too, make mistakes and act foolishly and idiotically at times. do not forget that you have been in a position of bad behaviour before and you probably will fall into that position time and again. try to advise and encourage people. smile at people on public transport, especially those who look tired and unhappy.
  6. be positive - sadness and anger is a part of the human experience and are good things to feel at times but remember to be optimistic about the future and not to give up even when you're in great agony. you will pull through.
2014 in about 3 days
drawing up resolutions, reflecting heavily
i hope i can do good for myself and others in 2014 by continuing to grow within
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