Mar 29, 2011 23:46
Ugh, I was just thinking thoughts to myself (never a good idea this late at night. No wonder I am an insomniac) when I thought "Hey, aren't you trying to write more? Don't you have some bullshit blog with like 2 friends? It's as close to a real journal as you're going to get" so, here I am. Ready to ramble. And apparently convinced that I must explain the motivations behind some meaningless drivel being posted on the internet? Yeah, it is WAY past my bedtime (no it's not).
ANYWAY, the other night (last night? It could have been any night, really) I was watching Conan and he gave an interesting statistic based on a poll (I guess): women start feeling old by 29, while men start feeling old at 58. Hearing that just made me so damn tired. I was discussing gender bias with some older friends the other day, and they were laughing at my idealism (the ideal being that some kind of equality can exist between men and women in the next 80 years) and telling me by the time I'm 30 my attitude will change and I will finally accept that men and women are just different. And it is exactly this attitude that pisses me off. Not just about gender, but about life in general. The whole "yeah, it sucks, but that's the way it is, so you may as well just roll over and accept it." Fuck that. I'm not saying we should all be radicals or anarchists or anything, just give a damn.
You don't have to be mean, or crazy, or carrying a clever sign, just care. I'm seriously convinced that this is the first step to action. It's like caring doesn't extend beyond a tl;dr post on a message board or blog...
Ah, fuck me. My point still stands!! I don't care if I'm 30, I'm still promoting gender equality! Fuck that giving up hope noise.
ramble on,
blah blah blah