holy shit beans

Aug 09, 2004 12:59

this is going to be a long one bitches considering i haven't been home and being at mamas is the only place i can go online. okay! where the f did i leave off. anyhoo like last saturday or something right before i went to camp i worked like a mother then went shopping with robert to get all the shit i needed. i never went to camp so i didn't know how that was going to turn out. then we fucking go out to eat in this tiny restaurant in dover which sucked dick but it was nice bonding with my dad before i left. then i waddled around for a bitty until reilly liljewey and andrew got me which was nice because i was going away and i wanted to see them before i left and we went to billys and it was cutie and ended up at ihop and it happened to be javiers birthday i think. i dont really know if this is true i thought it happened a long time ago but they kept saying it was last week so i'll go with that. i fucking drive to trenton sunday in the pouring rain to go to fucking camp and i hardly brought enough stuff but i jewed my way out of that one bebe so it's all dandy. camp was very fucking stressful. too many girls *especially fucking faggot ass bitch dyke lesbians* and not enough alcohol to put me at ease. but it was fun because i hung out with girls i normally didnt and didnt even talk to like fucking dana and erin and tanya and other kids which made the trip even more interesting. me and kelli had a ball in our room even though we were "excluded" from various activities. fuck it i rocked out and i rocked out hard. and in the end i got a pickture with <3 ali <3 and i didn't go nuts and obsesses/stalk him like some other cats. but anyway yeah i was glad to leave. i had huge fucking blisters like whoa and if i went back i'd fucking cause more chaos because that wasn't nearly as bad as it should have been (cough cough food fight) bormanns family drove us home then fucking an hour later her and bondi are at my house to take me back to field hockey. afterwards i go get my schedule and keithfaggot puts me on like i fucking have nothing better to do. but oh well fuck it. then i got to see kelly and kelly which fucking made my little day and we rocked out like old times and kelly C slept over and we rocked to satc *p.s. i just bought season 5 and it's fucking amazing* we were sposed to go to some girl's house with bill and reilly but i was just a little too ya know and we would have felt weird because she was older and we didn't know her or anything. anyhoo friday i got to hang out with guinbebe and k2 and it was cutie except then having to go to work. but afterwards reilly got me and we got bill and went to soem party but i wasn't friends with any one there the only one i even talked to was jenna weag for like a minute and we left and just went back to billys and i fucking got another jlo mag. but i couldnt read it b/c i couldnt see straight but the moral of the story is DOES J.LO WANT BEN BACK? anyhoo then saturday i went shopping with the fam to go get cletes but i ended up just getting high socks and sports bras...you can never have enough <3 then i went off to work and afterwards reilly got me and we went to billys and waitied for a bitty and then went to ihop with a boy they work with steven and me and lil jewey were freakin out but it's okay and then this girl brina or something came with her friends and they were nice i didn't talk much though probably because i ordered a really bad chicken sandwhich but i ate it so hey. and kris was there and i was happy to see her cause they are going or probably by now in canada and i'm gonna miss not seein them but when she gets back she's taking me to the hello kitty store in the city so that should be fucking lovely and a half. yesturday fucking i wake up spik and span and get ready for modest kelly made me a hell hath no fury shirt so i was so fucking happy. then me her bondi and meliss go to quiznos because they are fucking obsessed with that shit. i don't get excited when going to a sandwhich place but thats just me-i still fucking love a sandwhich. we get on the 2 oclock train adn fucking i hate trains i freak out but i didnt i cooled my jets. we get there and mozey around until we see a line and fucking wait in it till 4. FOUR O CLOCK. MODEST DIDNT START TILL 915. we had really good uhh.."standing spots" but i hate that place and meliss felt sick so us and guin adn timko (who i was being mean to and i feel bad now but whatev) got some snackies and it was impossible to go back. and there were crazy security everywhere. i dont remember anything when modest started and i felt really bad because i was freaking out and scared and wanted to go home and thought everyone was trying to kill me and all that shit. i hate when i get like that. the city was freaking me out. but now i'm fine and i realize i enjoyed it ...i guess that's what it would be called? i'm glad i stuck around and didn't go too nuts and i feel like an ASS because guin was with me and he's fucking amazing because we sat there and freaked out and i dont think he even got to enjoy himself because he was with me and that wasn't too fun. but i did love spending q.t. with kelly kelli and meliss the whether was so nice and i fucking loved that pizza. i just wish i wasnt such a freak. today im going with maria to to drs then swing down by bloomingdale hopefully get to see the chikster and off to f/h at 6. but i get to see k2 today which should be fucking lovely so i'm off to go eat because i can't start my day off right with an extremely unappropriate gut. ole'!
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