House 7x15: Bombshells

Mar 08, 2011 01:13

Um. Can I just say that I'm glad Castle wasn't new tonight? Because I wouldn't have paid attention at all. I barely paid attention to Chicago Code right after House. I honestly could not tell you what happened other than... actually, I have no clue. So thank you, ABC, for not putting a brand new Castle ep on tonight because it would've been a shame to miss that ep. Or maybe they should've because I could use something funny right now. Hmm.


This may be a good or bad review of this ep. I am definitely trying to stay on the positive side here.

Now I realize that I may be shot/killed/maimed/what have you over saying this, but I think the break up was actually a good thing. I'm not going to go into it's better because House and Cuddy were OOC the entire time and that they were lame as a couple and the writers were being stupid. No. Everyone has beaten that to death and frankly, I'm absolutely tired of hearing it to the point where I want to quit fandom. I now understand why so many quit. Many people had it in S5, many had it in S6 where they left because fandom was getting too negative. I've finally found my limit and this is it. I actually get angry when I read comments now. I didn't used to feel like this, but now that I've read so many negative thoughts and reactions, it's not doing me any good. I understand people are entitled to their opinions and reactions and I completely respect that, but I have a limit on all this negativity. For my own sanity, I can't handle it anymore. lol, I sound crazy, I'm aware.

Anyway, back to the point. House and Cuddy breaking up may actually be a good thing. I haven't watched the 10min vid of Liz Friedman and Sara Hess (the writers of this ep) talking about the ep and I'm not sure I want to because of the reactions, but I may give it a shot later when everything calms down a bit, mainly when my mind can wrap my head around all this. But I did read David Shore's interview on the subject that I have a few issues with. I'll address those later.

So why is this break up good?

Not because of drama and to ramp up the ratings. Not because the writers wanted an out with the ship. Because House, the character, needed it. I've read so many opinions that have so many valid points, I didn't know what to make of it. Then it finally clicked when I read Barbara Barnett's review and the comments to the review. I usually like her reviews because they always give me a little more insight than I would've seen and because they are happier and more positive and I've needed that lately. But the comments people really left made it click.

House slipped. One time. I absolutely believe him when he said that it was one time. It wouldn't be realistic if he didn't slip a few times. But he slipped because he couldn't handle the possible death of Cuddy and ultimately losing her. He took the meds so he could "be the man she needs" and be by her side when she needed it most. Yes, it is amazing that he showed up and yes, it is amazing how far he's come. But he had to take a substance just to be there. I realize that's akin to getting drunk when one hears bad news, but usually that's how someone deals with it afterward showing up.

What I'm trying to say is that House is human and so is Cuddy. House slipped because of her. Because of her. I think somewhere in Cuddy's dreams, she realized that not only could she not handle this anymore, but she wasn't good for him either. In the previous ep, we had House make his drunken confession of how he'll always choose her and we see Cuddy look confused and pensive and anxious about that revelation. He's okay with being a worse doctor, for letting a few patients die because he wants to be with her and be happy with her. That didn't sit well with her, and now she sees that he's on the brink of relapsing because of her -- that cannot be a good thing. She ends it because in the end, it'll be better for him. It won't be pretty or easy for either of them, but it'll be better.

Of course he'll relapse like we saw, he'll go off the deep end or nearly, but he needs to learn how to stand on his own two feet. Cuddy has been helping him since day one, and she's also been enabling him. She practically became his replacement drug, and if she stayed to help him, it would only further enable him which could be worse. He'd think he could get away with everything. And he wouldn't do this for himself. By taking herself out of the picture, she's essentially saving him.

The question is will he do this for himself or wallow in his misery? I couldn't tell you that. House has been to dark places many times and I don't know if he'll come out of this alive or not. But he's hitting rock bottom. Again. Maybe worse than before.

So how could Cuddy saving him be good for him? It'll hurt and be absolutely excruciating, but I think she is doing this for the best for both of them. She can't keep enabling him. She also has a daughter to look out for. He needs to deal with his issues on his own. No one can get over his demons for him, only he can.

While I'm not exactly thrilled we'll be going back to that very dark place (it seems like he contemplates suicide from the promo), this COULD be good. Could be. The writers will have to handle this delicately. Very delicately or else this could easily slide back into S6 or the darker S3 days with Tritter. Also, suicide and drug OD is always a sensitive subject so I hope people respond well with that.

Which brings me to what DS said. "He’s certainly back on Vicodin. Probably fair to say he’s back to square one."

THAT makes me fear the worst because that is the exact same reason why I nearly quit the show last season. Having House slide back into old habits after a drug-free year made me want to rip my hair out and scream because that's been done. I'm over it. But -- I realize this makes me a hypocrite for saying that the fallout of House/Cuddy breaking up could be good -- like I said, if it's handled properly, it could work. If we see House actually recover and get over his demons and issues, this could be good. Seeing him take a healthy step for HIMSELF and not for Cuddy or Wilson, this could be good. That said, I really want Nolan to come back. House quit therapy too soon.

I'm not saying I'm absolutely thrilled with this outcome. Apparently holding off that huge House/Cuddy break up from Two Stories only delayed it two episodes, but this is what we have to deal with.

HL and LE completely sold it at the end. When Cuddy finally pieces the clues to puzzle and knocks on House's door to House relapsing -- guh, it destroys me. Broke me to pieces. But I knew it was coming. I prepared myself for them breaking up at the end of this ep. I had a gut feeling it'd happen, and when I get strong gut feelings like that, it usually comes true. So I was prepared. Somewhat. I wasn't expecting it to end exactly like that, but the reasons make sense. While it's tragic that House can't be what she needs and that Cuddy practically destroys him too, I haven't given up all hope. When I watched the ending, I knew they wouldn't be over. Maybe they'll never be in a relationship together again, but they do love each other deeply. They'll never be out of each other's lives. They'll always be there in some capacity. We'll get to see the fallout of how they'll handle that at work and their love won't go away. You could see that much in that final scene with them. They love each other too much to leave. They'll stick it out to the bitter end.

So, Cuddy's dreams. The Candy Clues are:

-Bubble gum in the sitcom
-Lollipop in the 50's black and white
-Candy bar in the western
-Giant Candy Cane in the musical
(there was nothing in the horror zombie dream since that was House's dream, not Cuddy's)

Those dreams were very interesting. I wasn't quite sure just how exactly all those represented their relationship, but once I picked out all the candy from the scenes, that part made sense. But her nightmare of how Rachel would turn out if left to House and Wilson raising her was funny. The Mr. Mom bit was terrifying. The western was cute except for her fear at the end where she was alone. And the musical? Omg, that was the scariest of them all. While I ADORE Mia Michael's work, I did not enjoy the editing much. But it was fun to watch even if it was creepy that House was standing above Cuddy on a gurney and singing with that megaphone thing. Uh, no. But the creepy/dark factor? Totally a win. Also, I adore Hugh and Lisa's voices. Aww.

The zombie scene had me laughing. I'm sorry, I know what it was supposed to represent -- House terrified of not getting there to Cuddy in time despite fighting his way through obstacles. Reality turns out that even if he's there, she still dumps him but you know. I got such a kick out of the team as zombies. SUCH A KICK. And the cane ax? And the cane shot gun? I WANT ONE. SO FREAKING COOL. House, your dreams/nightmares are actually pretty awesome.

That said, the dreams didn't flow like all the other dream/hallucination sequences we had throughout the series. I'm guessing it was meant to be jarring since they all wake up with a start, but Idk, it just didn't work for me. It felt like they were randomly inserted. The musical flowed because we knew that Cuddy was going under, but the rest? Not so much.

Julia. Cuddy's sister. She actually is a really good sister. I thought she'd be worse, but I guess that was exaggerated? It makes sense that Cuddy would ask Julia to be Rachel's guardian if she died. I don't understand why so many people thought she wouldn't ask her. Julia's her sister, of course she'd be the first person Cuddy thinks of. I do like that Julia asked about House and while Cuddy didn't have a straight up answer, I think we could all see why Rachel going to House would be a bad idea. Not just because of that sitcom sequence, but the whole drugs and the fact that House never wanted kids would kind of kill it. Plus, I don't think Cuddy would want to put that kind of burden on him, not without talking to him about extensively.

I love that Julia said that she wouldn't tell their mom about the whole kidney mass deal. I love that she was there taking care of her. As much as I'd love House to be the one, I loved that it was Julia instead. And I LOVED that she was there while Cuddy broke down after she broke it off with House.

The beginning was cute. Love that House totally scared her in the morning and looked so happy and they made out a little on the floor. Aww. And now we won't get those scenes anymore. :( Part of me, the eternal hopeful side of me, hopes that they'll eventually get back together. I've always seen them as an on/off type of relationship, and I'd totally be fine if they did that one the show even if it were jerking the audience around. I just don't want House to relapse and him literally ending up back at square one. He's made so much progress lately. He can't undo it all just like that. He's gotta make a come back or else there literally is no reason to watch this show. Progress and redemption gets you everywhere.

Okay, this is uber long and I'm not quite sure it made sense, but it did in my head. I can't put it down in words clearly enough. I love House, I love Cuddy and I love them together. If this makes them stronger, whether in a relationship or friendship, then I'm all for it. And with the way HL and LE keep pulling all these sucker punches in their acting, I just may break down crying next ep. I nearly did in this ep. I would have if I didn't prep myself all week for this.

There's more to talk about, but this is long enough, and I can barely process anything anymore. Maybe I'll have a part two or something. Idk.

ETA: My brain sucks. I just re-watched the last scenes and NOW I remember what I wanted to say. I guess it's a good thing I re-watched S6 over the weekend (most of it anyway, I skipped a few eps) because this was a reverse of Help Me. We see practically what could've happened if Cuddy hadn't appeared in his doorway in that last scene. It starts off happy and ends devastatingly. Help Me was the reverse.

What absolutely killed me was House looking at the doorway when he puts the pills in his hands. Like he's looking for her. Hoping she'll show up again to stop him. But she doesn't. And he downs them. Although what's interesting is he still has Vicodin. I realize he's an addict and will always have some kind of stash, but where did he get this one from? Where did Cuddy put the ones she found in Now What? His bathroom mirror was still there so it couldn't have been from there. Whatever, I guess that isn't the point. The point is that it's a reverse of the S6 finale, even the bathroom shot on the floor is identical. House isn't filthy though.

And the other part that kills me is that Cuddy practically gives up on him.

House: I can do better.
Cuddy: I don't think you can.

Her dreams freak her out a little. And I'm wondering if she also said it to be harsh on purpose, not because she's giving up on him, but because that's what he needs to hear in order to let go because she can't keep enabling him. I'm hoping it's not because she really is giving up on him. I'm also hoping that her fears are talking and not because she's truly given up. If she has, that's terrible. But I can see why hearing those words would drive him to relapsing. I would too, if the last person that believed in me told me they stopped. This is for the better, this is for the better...

To end on a somewhat happy note: Hugh's hair was PERFECT in this ep. Yes, I flailed about his hair okay. I see that as a huge positive. Because his hair was getting long and I really really missed his shaved head from S6.

Now I'm going to go immerse myself in the world of Pokemon for a bit before I crash (I got Black version today). I need something mindless to calm my mind. Unova region, here I come. I'll also get back to those memes soon. I know I'm way behind, but I need time to find some .gifs! hahahaha

house: season 7, tv: house, house&cuddy are legit

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