An excellent picspam of three recent versions of Lancelot. I admit to thinking that Michael Vartan looked WAY too modern and WAY too pretty boy for the role. Ioan Gruffudd was basically Lancelot in name only. Granted, I liked the character, but he was more Roman soldier than anything from legend. Santiago Cabrera is by far my favorite version. He's handsome, but in a rough way. He's kind and sweet natured so you understand completely why Gwen likes him. He's as good a fighter or better than Arthur is, so he also has Arthur's respect. He's quick to see Arthur and Gwen having some sort of undercurrent and instantly steps down out of respect to Arthur. Just like I originally wanted to hate Arthur but couldn't, I can't hate Lancelot for Arthur's sake either. I understand Gwen's conflicted feelings on that point (handsome, dashing guy who spouts poetry and wants to settle down compared to handsome, spoiled guy who spouts awkward compliments when he's not insulting you and who you have no hope of ever being with because of his father). It's easy to go on about how Gwen should be loyal to Arthur when you don't look closely at her situation.