Jun 13, 2007 12:47
omigosh! THE Cycomonkey called me last night! Chester and I are just sitting around watching Adult Swim, and my phone starts to ring. I'm all thinking it's going to be some Dominican guy with broken english trying to find Gloria, because that has happened before. But no! It was cycomonkey! Though through the internet, she's one of my oldest friends. Laura is technically my oldest friend I'm still in contact with. We've been friends since....oh lord, I believe since 1997. I've known Chester and Felix since 1999, The Janator since 2001. I don't really keep in contact with my middle school friends anymore.
I remember Laura really being into The Monkees at the time, and she was telling me about the movie they made, Head, and I remember thinking "Damn! I must see this movie!" I believe she mentioned Jack Nicholson had something to do with it, and at the time I was obsessed with Jack for some reason, so naturally I invited myself over to her house, and we watched the Monkees.
My glasses keep getting grody. I should use that Dolce and Gabbannaa microfibre sheet to clean them. But I feel funny about carrying around a D&G eyeglasses case. I didn't even get expensive glasses, but I don't want people at rehab thinking I'm rich. One lady at L&M asked me "Are you rich?" and I believe I said "Lady, I'm driving an '88 Volkswagen, my dad is out of work, and our insurance bills cost more than our household is making, so you YOU tell ME if I'm rich." I didn't mean to be snobby, I was just pissed. WHy the fuck would you ask me if I'm rich? Why would that matter? I never saw that lady again, though.
But back to the monumental Cycomonkey chat. The Peavey's were up really loudly so I have to admit I was having a hard time hearing. Why I didn't get up and turn them down is beyond me. I think I was still in shock! Not like this was some huge conference call, but I'm usually pretty anti-social, so for me to talk, something I'm not very graceful at (I'd rather write out my response), to someone I"ve only known on tha intanets was a huge step for me. I'm learning to kick anxiety in the ass.
I don't recall how long we talked, but I thought we got along great. I'd love to do that again. Though I am totally going to install AIM again. I remember being obsessed with AIM a few years ago. Once again I shall be with the people! And I admit I'm a better conversationalist when instant messaging. For me it is a lost art that I must pick back up. I wonder if The Janator has AIM. I know she has Yahoo! but I prefer AIM.
Anyway, we talked about our GROSS boyfriends, a little about sobriety, what we were up to, what we did earlier that day. It was downright awesome. I just wish I didn't have to wake up at 8am or else I would've probably talked all night. I used to stay up all night, but I've learned that for better mental health, I really need my 8 hours. At least 8. I function the best on 10. I wish I didn't need so much sleep. Maybe once I quit smoking pot I'll have more energy. That's what everyone at therapy has said their experience has been.
Well kiddies, all I ate today was yogurt. The doctor told me no more Cheerios everyday. My body can't handle the carbs. I'm going to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich awww yea. With all the fixin's. And by fixin's I mean banana. That will be a righteous sandwich.
Until next time, "may I crumble on your fish?"