Good things and bad things

Oct 01, 2007 19:12

I'm in a list making mood so todays entry is lists of good things and bad things....and other things.

good things from the past 3 days
1. Got my hair cut and coloured. its back in it bob again. It has some reddy bits in it then loads of fine blonde bits. Its such a fab colour! I'll try to get a pic when i find some nice lightling!

2. Singing in the rain saturday, I was kinda worrie about gran coming to see it, shes been a little panicy over  the last few weeks but she really loved it. as did I. The rain bit was so cool! But I seemed ot have my slash head on which really wasnt good as the guys were kind oldish and really nto that good looking! ek

3. Got lots of time to play work on my new computer program and its so cool! Ive pretty much figured it out and the animation is going well.

4. I have a kitchen. Well the shell more like. The walls and there is a ceiling tho it needs the slates putting on it. I went to have a look today and its soooo cool. I'm so excited about it again tho still have a while to go.

5. I have some slash dvd to watch later! Got this manonman film and watched the first 5 mins last ngiht and its so a cheese way. Hopefully it gets better tho it has potential!

6. finally got my credit card today. I've meant to had on in the post for about a month. BUt I rang up on friday and hte cancelled the other one and sent me out a new one. Woo I can download stuff off 4od!

Hum Not much bad stuff....
1. still have some random cold left. Tho I did go swimming this morning. which didn't make it worse!

2. Its raining. Boo.

3. Cant think of anything else. Im trying not phone work agent this week cause i need ot get the animation done by saturday! And lots of other things I want to get done! Seriously dont have time for attach paid employment! haha

EDIT ) forgot the major bad thing! Our boiler has a hole in it! No hot water! EEEKKK

I'm going ot go now cause this post is lONG! Good luck Mollie at UNI! Im sure u'll get hte hang of it. And hte same to my sis! She started today too! eekkk 
*huggles ot flist*

news, house

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