hate feeling ill!

Sep 28, 2007 10:41

Still not feeling too good. I had wednesday off in the end, spent all day watching One Tree Hill which meant I cried for most of the day, oh and whole lot of sleep. Yesterday I managed to get up and sort our tickets out for London film fest (woo) then went back to bed then I did make it out to see Disturbia - not as disturbing as it could have been but loving Shai! he's brilliant! And stayed out to youth group. But I think I ate to much I feel sick again. Shouldnt be eating really. But yeah youth group was cool, just kinda hung out with a few of them watching telly. Is it weird Im friends and enjoy hanging out with 14/15 years olds more than my age? I didnt stay at VicDans in the end I got a lift home cause I wasn't feeling up to it. I'm glad I went out but also glad I came home. Today I feel like crap. My cold has got to the coughing/wheesing stage and I keep sneezing. And feeling sick. So not ot good. But I have my animation I need to do. That shouldnt take much tho.

I am going shopping with michelle later tho. But I might say to her that I cant stay out long. I have bits I need to get anyhow.

Meme now nabbed from Mollie then I must go book my train tickets and do my animation!

1. Hi, my name is....

2. Never in my life have I been....
in love with someone who loves me back

3. The one person who can drive me nuts is...
my sister...but only cause I lvoe her!

4. High school...
is for losers! haha only joking

5. When I'm nervous....
i blush and either go silent or talk a lot.
6. The last song I listened to was...
carbon dating by super furries

7. If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor would be...
Vicky (well i was hers! )

8. My hair is..
in desperate need of cutting and colouring....luckly it is tomorrow!

9. When I was 5...
I was havign the most fun

10. Last Christmas...
was boring/fustrating...

11. I should be...
animating! and not feeling sorry for myself!

12. When I look down I see...
my green jumper...

13. The happiest recent event was...
end of the road festival!

14. If I were a character on 'Friends' I'd be...
a weird combo of them all
15. By this time next year....
I'll either be living in my house with some crumy job or off somewhere with a great job!

16. My current gripe is...
feeling like crap

17. I have a hard time understanding...
why i always feel like crap
18. There's this guy I know that...
I miss but dont want to talk to! haha

19. You know I like you when...
I smile and talk to u a lot!

20. If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be...
depended on the award...my mum I guess I tell her everything first mostly!

21. Take my advice...
cause I say so...ooo

22. The thing I want to buy....
most is a laptop! For many reasons

23. If you visited the place I was born...
u'd jsut see houses...and a lovely view of my town!

24. I plan to visit...
my friends and sister in 20ish days

25. If you spent the night at my house...
u'd not see anyone...but a whole lot of ruble its a building site right now!

26. I'd stop my wedding if...
I didnt love the guy
27. The world could do without...
most of the people in it...it would be a better place and less crowded

28. I'd rather lick the belly of a cockroach than...
eat mushrooms
29. Most recent thing I've bought myself...
bought one tree hill season 3 yesterday and a load of tickets! hehe
30. Most recent thing someone else bought me...
hum clare bought me ryan tickets and booked a room for me!
31. The last alcoholic drink I had...
some wine last weekend
32. The number of places I lived in...
this house and my flat in southampton

33. The last phone call made was to...
someone rang for someone here about an hour ago....no idea who or what is was!

34. My middle name is..

35. In the morning I..

36. The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are...
people? hehe

37. Once, at a bar...
I kissed someone. well hugged them...they worked there

38. Last night I was..
at youth group!

39. There's this chick I know who...
is called rosie (its a real chick/en)
41. A better name for me would be...
indigo dunno why...

42. Tomorrow I am...
going ot see singing in the rain! woo
43. Tonight I am...
prob watching the last few one tree hills )

44. My birthday is...
in the summer

45. My one wish is....Private! And kinda coming true slowly!

Right off to work then!

ill, day off

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