The family jakeman and crumbleholme

Aug 19, 2007 19:04

This weekend has been full of family!

Yesterday my uncle from Birghton came down with my aunty and cousin and their dog henry. So we went round for dnner last night. I managed to creep out early and ha some nice time watching friens with my cousin which was cool. Then i had Gran watch while everyone else discussed highly important grown up stuff. Like what to do with the grandparents money. I want to go in and say "give it allto me so I dont have to work!" hehe But yeah that was ok cause Gran was mostly asleep then I had a curl up hug like I used to do with her, apat from I couldnt leave her and I really needed the loo so I got all stressed! doh. But no it was good really. And my Uncles family is so lovely.

Today was my Dad's family! His Mum (granny) his bro (my uncle) Aunty, my cousin his baby and girlfriend all came round for lunch. Whihc first off meant a massive clean up for our house hehe! Our house is normally a tip. But its about as tidy as it could be now without chucking a load of stuff. We had a yummy meal. I forget how amazing my parents are sometimes! Like we had veggies that my dad had grown, cooked and served in hte bowls and plates he's made! Hes great! So yeah we then spent hte afternoon chatting. I had a nice long cuddle with William (the baby!) which was lovely. And all the men had a sleep! haha.

So yeah its been a lovely weekend, and I aprechate my family all over again now. *huggles family*

I'm slightly worried how tired I am, the fact I ad a glass of wine had pain killers might not have been a good idea!

I fancy writingsome slash now (woring considering but never mind) so I might do that to keep me awake. Might have to be some more Zac/Elijah Im a bit obsessed!

Hope everone eles weekends were good?

weekends, family

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