Newness and grades

Aug 17, 2007 19:16

I got a C! Which was pretty much was what i expected to be honest. I got a crap grade for hte course work that pulled it down but the tutors messed us up with that so much it doesn't suprise me! GRRHHH.

I've been sorting out house stuff today. Dad phoned all the utilities people today. Then half an hour later I get a phone call saying that a gas man has come cause i had a gas emrgency at the house! I think they got the wrong end of hte stick! oh well.

Last night was spent watching home videos! We watched when we went to canada and america when I was ten. I've not laughed so much in ages! I was cryinglaughing it was so funny! Cause I was reading out my diary to the camera and I mentioned what food we had so much that was most of hte diary! Haha. Bless me and my love of food!

I've jsut treated myself to 100 icon spaces on here for me birthday! I cashed my check today so thats part of my pressy! hehe I just have to deside which to put up and Ive made some new ones a few for my new slash community , 
screaminglijahplease add! And some zac ones and might make some more in a bit tho I should be tidying! We have the Crumbleholmes over on sunday! EEKKK hehe.

Think thats it for now! Go read my new slash! And have good weekends!

communities, college, house

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