Note to self

Apr 27, 2007 18:20

Ok spent the afternoon walking aroudn town with my first year friend (college first year no like 5 yearold person! lol) then I came home and wrote slash! muhaha. Lots of me time. So here is the next bit....

“I think I’m in trouble.”
“Why’s that then?”
“Well er..”
“Is it something to do why Friday? How did that go?”
“It kinda is… It went alright”
“Alright? How come you think you're in trouble then?”
“Well um. Something happened?”
“Something happened? Elijah what are you saying?”
“ Oh God nothing like that. Just we talked…”
“Talked? I would expect that?”
“Well I talked mostly. He asked me what was up. And I sort of told him.”
“I sort of told him everything, you know, stuff about last year and everything.”
“And what did he do?”
“Nothing. He just listened. I mean really listened”

After telling Joe about his past, Elijah felt different. All the pain that had always been there seemed to lessen. Class seemed different too. They didn’t talk other than work related topics but there seemed to be an ease, something that Elijah had never felt before, not even with Jimmy.
Ah yes Jimmy what was Elijah going to do about him. He missed Jimmy like crazy after that night they hadn’t really spoken, not like they used to, they hadn’t discussed Jimmy coming out to him and not about the kiss and defiantly  not about Joe. Elijah was starting to wonder if they would ever truly be friends again and he wanted Jimmy back. Although right now, with everything going on with Joe, Elijah wasn’t sure what to say to Jimmy. So he left it. He had talked to Joe about Jimmy, about how they had always been friends and how he had kissed Elijah that night. How come it was so easy to tell Joe everything but the one person who had always been there for him he just didn’t know what to say.

A week after their filming on the beach and their talk Elijah was in the editing suite checking through what they had filmed the week before when Joe came in.

“Hey Elij mate, oh the footage is looking great.”

“Yeah thanks Joe, it does look good doesn’t it. I’m just editing it all together with the other stuff I shot.”

“Good job. You know I had a real good time that afternoon?”

Elijah knew what Joe meant, something had happened to them that night, something they couldn’t talk about especially at college in a room with other students. Elijah nodded looking Joe in the eye. For a moment that connection sparked like it had last Friday but this time there was that extra passion. If only they weren’t at school something might just…. Stop it stop it Elijah nothing can happen he’s your tutor. They looked away.

“I guess I better let you get on with it. But Elij read your email….”

Once he was happy enough with his edit Elijah hurried home, questions burning inside of him. If they had been somewhere else under different circumstances would they have kissed just then? What was Joe thinking? And just what was going to be in that email? The minute Elijah got home he logged on to his email…

note to self; don't die

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