Headaches, pervy lessons and workness

Apr 27, 2007 11:52

Hi. I have a killer headache. I think its me hormones and stress. But it doesnt make it any better. So far I'm managing to ignore it but Ive just taken some pain killers! Muh. I kinda feel muh.. halfway between happy and sad.... very weird.

Anyway I was in a slightly perv mood yesterday for one reason or another so me and Merlin were jsut being really suggestive to whatever Justin was doing or saying. I laughed a bit to much. Just has a nice bum, esp when he wears his levis and leans over. and I'm so not a bum person. We were filling out these how was college qustionaire and they were so stupid, and didnt really let me moan about hte class, but one of them was does your tutor help u with your personal problems... or something similar. me and Merlin jsut lookedat it then him and burst out laughing! Justin helps me write slash? and gives me someone to perv over and who is quitenice to talk to... does that count?  teehee.

I've just handed in my sex discrimnation report and it is very crap but I was working on it til 11 last night and my head was killing me so I went to bed! hehe. Never mind. Oh cause we got our marks for everything so far yesterday. I'm not doing to badly quite a few merits but I'm still only going to get a pass so Ive lost the will to do anything more. Appart frm y Film studies which I have jsut got done and am about to go hand in. Tho its not presented properly.  dont care thats how they are getting it. And my script is pretty ok I think.

Well I better go. I'm jsut trying to see if someone wants to come into town this afternoon. I was going to cycle to college but my head hurts to much so Im going to go into town after do a bit of shopping even tho I have no money.... I do it jsut should be gingon th house. But I dont care! I need new cds and clothes. hehe. Then I'm coming home and having some me/slash writing time! wooooooooo. going to download Betty too! hehe.

Have good weekends people.

shopping, college, ill, perving

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