First of many!

Dec 22, 2006 11:13

I have a feeling I'm going to do lots of posting today! 
Well Eragon was fantastic last ngiht! I really enjoyed it. Did a little bit of perving (so wrong he was 17 for godssake!) and it was a pretty cool story! The Dragon totally rocked! 
I've put my first presentslash up for Talia now. I hope she enjoys it. Whos going to be around when for me to put hte others up? I still have a couple left to write tho.

Well I'm off for a jolly up to Portland today with some family friends so I ought to be off, I'm jsut going to stick the next cabin story up incase I don't have time later. Be warned u may cry, in a good way. hehe

I find the map and draw a straight line
Over rivers, farms, and state lines
The distance from here to where you'd be
It's only finger-lengths that I see
I touch the place where I'd find your face
My finger in creases of distant dark places

And time moves on. They get on with their lives. Dom’s new life begins and time alters their memories. Far from each other and alone, hearts once broken mend.
Waking up somewhere alone, Dom realizes something is missing. His heart is empty. Billy. Suddenly Dom’s mind clears. Grabbing a map, Dom looks for a way to be with Billy. The cabin is in a different country, continent, yet somehow Dom is sure he will get back that feeling they had there in the cabin. That touch of each other like a map of themselves.

I hang my coat up in the first bar
There is no peace that I've found so far
The laughter penetrates my silence as drunken men find flaws in science
Their words mostly noises
Ghosts with just voices
Your words in my memory
Are like music to me

Dom drives, he looks everywhere, not knowing where Billy could be. He stops at a pub, grabs a hot chocolate to warm himself. The memories come back to him. The voices of the people around him are just noise as he remembers all the happy times they spent together. Drinking, laughing and playing. Dom wonders why it ever ended. When the pain began. Just wanting to hear Billy laugh hear him hum that unconscious happy hum. Dom leaves still not sure were he is going but even more desperate to see Billy again.

I'm miles from where you are,
I lay down on the cold ground
I, I pray that something picks me up
And sets me down in your warm arms

Miles pass, through cities and countryside, valleys and mountains. Tired and desperate, Dom stops. On a mountain side he spots a cabin, like their cabin. It is even surrounded by snow. Dom gets out the car and walks towards the cabin. It takes him a while, tears filling his eyes, the memories playing in his head.
“Come on Boyd find the bloody keys, its freezing out here”
Dom remembers their first visit to their cabin. He falls to the cold frozen floor, puts his hands to his face, the tears falling freely now.

After I have traveled so far
We'd set the fire to the third bar
We'd share each other like an island
Until exhausted, close our eyelids
And dreaming, pick up from
The last place we left off
Your soft skin is weeping
A joy you can't keep in

Looking up Dom notices the door is opening. Slowly Dom looks in. Billy, the person Dom has been searching for but least expects, walks out of the cabin door. He doesn’t seem to notice Dom, drained and tear stained in the snow.
Dom stands, trying to breath, tries to call out for Billy, but nothing comes. But then Billy spots him, and Dom is home. Billy helps Dom into the cabin.
And just like before they share each other before the warming fire. Dom is finally home in Billy’s arms.

the cabin

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