The Cabin

Dec 10, 2006 17:08

Well Ive had a pretty good day. I bunked church this morning (even tho I said I would be there to help for sunday school nativity practise!) and read loads of harry potter and had a good sleep. Spent a lot of the afternoon putting up christmas tree and decorations. Think this is hte earliest we've ever put them up! Yay! Then Ive been baking christmas cookies and fudge brownie for college and brownies christmas evening tomrrow night. 
Anyway I thought I would put up some more Cabin just because Clare enjoyed the last ep! 
Disclaimer: I'm really sorry if this is a bit sad! It gets better!

For once I want to be the car crash
Not always just the traffic jam
Hit me hard enough to wake me
And lead me wild to your dark roads

It all comes down to this. This day. Shouting. The moment they get in the cabin they are at each other. Does Dom really understand, understand just whats going on?” Billy thinks before they collide.
“Fucking hit me, come on Bill’s you did this you started it. Hit me harder than you ever have. Lead me through the trail I want to see what it feels like to be you”
And he does. Billy hits Dom harder than ever before. Right around the face, across the cheak. And Dom screams, as if his life has been taken. Tears fall with the blood.

Headlights... before me
So beautiful, so clear
Reach out... and take it
Cos I'm so tired of all ths fear

Dom looks startled. He can see all that has been all that Billy has done to them. He stares at Billy, his eyes wide like he’s been caught in head lights. And he sees the hurt and anger behind Billy’s eyes. The beauty of that pain rips through Dom’s heart, he bleads.
Billy takes Dom’s hand. Trying to show him there is still love there. Dom curls up his hands over his face the tears and blood falling. He’s so tired. “Billy just tell me, show me, I’m so tired of this. Of hiding from you.”

Billy falls to the floor broken.

My tongue is lost, oh, I can't tell you
Please just see it in my eyes
I pull up thorns from our ripped bodies
And let the blood fall in my mouth

Billy is speechless, He pulls Dom close, trying to show him he’s sorry. Their eyes tell their story. Dom hurts, he curls up next to Billy pulling him closer. The pain buzzes from them both. They through punches, but none connect. Dom wants Billy to hurt him for all he’s done but he can’t find the words or the will power. Slowly they fall lye out flat on the cabin floor, their blood mixes. The fire crackles as the sun starts to shine in through the windows. “Billy it hurts, why did you do this, why did you make me hurt so much?”

the cabin, christmas

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