Christmas icons

Dec 09, 2006 17:12

Well I've spent the day making christmas Icons.....ok i have done other stuff too. Anyway below the first cut is a load of icons for christmas!

 Cold Elijah!


a lost one: 

 and some happy feet icons:


And now if this works hopefully another chapter of The cabin

I wanted something
That's purer than the water
Like we were
It's not there now
Ineloquence and anger
Are all we have

And time passes. Still Dom tries to keep Billy for himself. Still Billy fights but still he returns. Dom knows there is something wrong but he keeps silent. Keeping Billy is all he wants. Back to the early days when they were together, and the snow fell and the cabin was cold but their heat kept them warm. Dom urns for those days though he knows they won’t be back. He can not talk to Billy. Only angry words are spoken though the passion draws them together.

The cabin is silent. The fire has stopped. The Snow is melting.

Like Saturn's rings
An icy loop around me
Too hard to hold
Lash out first
At all the things we don't like
Or understand

Dom feels himself grow cold. He can feel the others looking at him. Yet he still controls Billy. He still needs Billy to feel strong. They argue over things, shoots, major things, time spent with other people. Dom is losing Orlando and Elijah’s respect but he isn’t sure he wants it. He hits out at Billy’s friendships. He wants Billy all to himself. Even though he doesn’t understand it he can’t be away from the one thing he needs, that power over Billy. Less and less they spend time together the more and more time Dom riles in spending time by himself.

And it's beginning to get to me
That I know more of the stars and sea
Than I do of what's in your head
Barely touching in our cold bed

Dom spends time up at the cabin by himself. Studying the melting snow, watching the sky, learning things he never thought to learn before. Alone he starts to relies the power isn’t the one he has over Billy but the one Billy has over him that he needs.
When Billy visits Dom the warmth has gone. Outside the snow may have melted but in the cabin the temperature is cold. They sleep apart. Like strangers. Dom still wants Billy but he’s lost him. Dom stares out of the window looking to the stars for comfort. Wanting to be back in the past.

Are you beginning to get my point
That always fighting with aching joints
It's doing nothing but tire us out
No one knows what this fight's about

On it goes. The weeks of fighting. Dom wonders how Billy can take it. If Billy left now Dom might just be relived, the pain, the hurt inside, of Billy leaving him would end. But he doesn’t want Billy to leave so still they fight. Tired and aching from all they are putting each other through. Billy knows its hurting Dom, its hurting himself as well but still he stays.
Their friends do nothing. If Orlando knew the part he played, rocking Billy’s boat, his attitude to Dom’s all consuming love, he doesn’t show it. He only asks there problem when they are caught arguing on set.

The answer phone
The lonely sound of your voice
Frozen in time
I only need
The compass that you gave me
To guide me on

Picking up a message after shooting Dom listens to Billy. He sounds so far away, so quiet and full of hurt. Dom can’t believe how lonely Billy sounds asking Dom to come meet him. He plays the message over and over trying to extract some hidden message behind the question. He comes up with nothing its so empty. Without a second thought Dom jumps in his car and follows message, up to the cabin up to his love. The message still playing in his head he drives hoping to find Billy wanting him again, needing that power to guide him.

It's so thrilling but also wrong
Don't have to prove that you are so strong
Cos I can carry you on my back
After our enemies attack

Reaching the cabin Billy pulls Dom in. The heat returns. Pulling at clothes Billy fights for Dom, with all the passion of before. Dom takes huge breaths of Billy. The duvet is pulled over and they make love like they had before, but this time with a fire burning inside like never before.

“You don’t have to do this Billy, you don’t have to show me your strong. I need you know matter what you do. If you need Orlando or Elijah or anyone else just to show you what I am, I’ll still love you I’ll still be here waiting for you when they are done.”

I tried to tell you before I left
But I was screaming under my breath
You are the only thing that makes sense
Just ignore all this present tense

But Billy left. He left Dom staring after him trying to reach Billy and pull him back. There was so much Dom wanted to say, to keep Billy with him but Dom couldn’t speak as yet again he watched his lover leave him after their passionate night.
“Billy you are all I know. All I want, all that makes sense to me. Being with you is all I can be without you I am nothing. That power I have over you is loss and the power you have over me is blinding me as you run from our bed.”

We need to feel breathless with love
And not collapse under its weight
I'm gasping for the air to fill
My lungs with everything I've lost

”We had that night of breathless love, of smothering kisses, of passionate lust. That love, our love, it is pulling me down. We are hurting each other more than you know. But I need to breath, I need my freedom from your power that you have over me Dommie. Away from you I can breath and try and find what I have lost.” Turning back to the cabin Billy knows he must finish it with Dom he must have it out with him so once and for all he can fill his lungs with air. So he can breath
Ok I cant get rid of the weird Lines! 
Well I'm off to see my famiy tonight. My mums brothers and my aunty and cousin are down so we are going for dinner and swap pressies. So thatshould be good. Tho I bet I have teh gran duty, shes old right and not really all ther which is fine and ou convos go round and round. But I'm so not in the mood my head hurts already! argh! Seeing my cousin will be cool tho. 

the cabin, christmas

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