Oct 31, 2006 11:47

Hello, so I can finally post my weekend post. You can also read
talia_sparkleaccount too!

I went up on thursday and met my sister for lunch, then went back to hers spent the afternoon shopping and managed to get some christmas pressies which was great! Lottie then kept me up late cause she was doing some work but it was nice jsut to chill and read my book. Friday I went to give Helen her ticket in her very posh kitchen shop in Sloan Square (posh part of london!) then went to meet Clare, I was a little nervous but really excited! Was great to finally meet her. We dropped her stuff at my sisters then headed voer to watch Bobby. Booby was fantastic. A little prechy, but was fasinating to see the views and stories of everyone who was at the hotel when Bobby Kenady got shot. Not really noing much about that peirod of history was really interesting. All the actors were great Elijah still makes me go all gooey tho he was looking pretty hot! And LInsey Lohann was ace! After that we went on a massive "i'm not lost I'm just not sure where we are going " walk around London hehe. Before heading back to meet
Half Nelson was a great film, really well filmed and interesting story. When we walked out the cinema we spotted Jude Law who was there for his new film, or rather Clare spotted him and pointed at him making us all laugh, I did then rib her for hte rest ofh te weekend about it pointing to every poster he was on (the breaking and entering one and the All the kings men one both films I desperatly wantto see now!) and anyway we did also point out the scenes of a sexual nature posters too that have Tom Hardy in yay! Yes so we went for a burger after before heading back home and crashing! 
Saturday we spend ages getting up and then I took Clare to the Science musuem and the natrual history musuem. Atht e science musuem we went on the Spongebob square pants ride that was so much fun! It was  simulater that went down under seas and followed Spongebob chasing a pickle. It had wind and water spray which was so funny! 
In hte evening we headed to this club/bar/bowling alley. It was fairly weird. Lots of people had dressed up for halloween and there were a couple of bands. The first one was so totally random jsut this girl singing to crazy music and the second one was poppy and pretty good. We headed home pretty early and watched Before sunrise for our homework! hehe. 
Sunday we met Talia down by the Tate so we could check out the sides, they were looks so much fun but hte que was really long. So we took a walk along the river. Its so lovely alongh te south bank, and hte sun was shining which made it even better. 
Richard Linklater seems such a great guy, and really passionate about his films. His talk has changed my mind, I deside that I'm now goign to do my Autuer question for Film sutdies on him, how he uses dialogue for dialogues sake. Plus I now want to see all his films! hehe 
Beening really hungry we went to Wagamama for some chinese after which was fab, I had lovely noddles. Then we jsut sat and talked which was great! Its so funny talking about Slash with people not on the internet! But Clare and Talia are quite like me and such lovely people, I feel comfortable talking about anything with them really. After looking in some book and DVD shops Clare Taila and Helen headed off home and lottie and I went for a wander around Trafalgar square which was lovely in the dark! Then I headed home myself. 
I had such a fantastic weekend, was lovely to meet clare adn to see Talia again. I wish we all lived a bit closer! Oh and Talia I have sone news of when we should meet up! it involvoes Dom! hehe

Hope that wasnt to long for u! Hehe. Talia there is some pics for u on Empire good looking men thread! 
I'm having a bunking day, I should have phoned college this morning to check about work experience but I couldnt be bothered and I should be working for dad but I've been doing some bits on here (on my webforum if ure around!) and basically going to spend hte day doing me stuff! God what am I like?

london film festival, london

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