The return of the J's or something...

Dec 11, 2007 19:49

Had the weirdest day yesterday!

In the moring I went to see some of my Brownies and Mrs Simmons who were singing Christmas songs at Brewers quay the little victorian type shopping centre . They weere brilliant. I was so hormonal that I jsut sat trying not ot cry! *blush* Then I went to say hi after and they all rushed over to see me and hugged me and told me they didn't no their lines (for our Brownie play more about that in a bit.) which was all lovely and I felt all warm and fuzzy! And I think they appriciated me being there.

After wondering round town for a bit I went to see Nikki at college, which was a bad idea to start with. Tho it was nice to see Nikki and talk about college and was great to see Ryan (the indie cute boy in her class who reminds me of a young ryan adams somewhat! ) and Mel and Mike (I think I've talked about him before...hes all grown tall! ) and Mike said I looked nice and had lost weight so loving him. I managed to talk to Tim (the weird lecturer) and Daryl the techy and Julian a little, but I jsut said Hi to Norman, Lee and Justin before they went int oa meeting, hung around for almost an hour talking and also waiting for Justin to come out his meeting. Then it got to 3 and I had to go! I really hadn't meant to stay that late so I was in a bit of a hurry when I got home!

So yeah I rushed home to sort out stuff for the panto. Didn't manage to get some of the stuff but it was alriht on the night as they say. Tho none of us/them knew their lines all the way threw, Did I say I was a bear? As in goldielocks and.... so funny! But we had fun. The leaders did a little entertainment at hte end. We did this old song and it didnt go down as funny as maybe it could have , but they ignored my idea of doing something from High school musical! (which I keep watching btw! haha) Oh well. Glad its all over now and no mre brownies til next year! eekk

I've been sorting stuff today. Paying bills and such. so pretty boring really.

I'm off to Calais hypermarket tomorrow! get all my christmas shopping done! Long day as we have to leave here at 10 to 6 but It'll be fine! 
I'm going to go to bed now I think I need a really early night. tho last ngiht I was asleep by half 11 then didnt wake up til 10! whats up with that? haha

Finally Congrats to Imy! U'll rock at ure new job my lovely! xxx

boredom, college, brownies

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