My ten minutes of Fame

Dec 08, 2007 19:22

It was very cool! While I wasn't in it, the only bit I was in front of the camera got cut short so I wasn't on it, my Dad was brilliant. I'm so proud! The peice was really good too. We have it on tape to show....everyone! I'm hoping the Beeb might put it on utube I wonder if I can ask them to. So yay us. Apparently dad has already had an email about Nurdling I so hope it takes off its so much fun! Nurdling for an olympic sport!

Had a wet day, can't believe how much rain fell this morning, I got to walk to the village hall in my wellies! Proper country I am! Luckly it eased off this afternoon and I didnt get too wet popping into town. Picked up some fab cards for me brownies and something that clare will get through the post soon hopefully! Then spent the afternoon eating cake and shortbread!

Last night was odd.
Went to the Simmons, which is our Vicar's, Andrew's (my ex) parents house but he still lives at home (and hes 30 and has a reasonalby well paid job *blink* ) and er we all get on really well with the simmon's. It was the birthdya of one of hte torquay 12, I think I've talked about them before? The group of people we go away with who are ages 70 (the guy who birthday it was turned 70) to Daniel who is 26. tho most of them are in there 50s. Any how was so funny, we were listening to this cd of old really silly music like puff the magic dragon, the laughing policeman,  and jake hte peg! and kind of singing along. Very funny. For some reason I was being a bit glam! I curled then put back my hair  and put earings on, and had my wollie dress and boots on so glam! But not sure why, Everyone said I looked really nice and pretty, which is great but not so much when its ure best friend's dad and stuff. And Not Andrew! he talked to Daniel for a bit then dissapeared up stairs with barely a hello to me! *cries* He's annoying tho I still crush on him! And blatanly want ot marry him cause his parents are so great! hes great too tho!
I just watched Shopgirl which was weird but aw Jason Schwartzman was so lovely! And funny. Him more so than Steve martin who jsut came across as creepy!

Talking about him I'm real irrate about my cinema again, I really want to see Darjeeling ltd. but its not on at our local cinema! I feel like I could have missed it like it was on last week or something but I'm not sure. While Ratatuie (that rat film!) is still on as is Stardust (which I admit are both great films but seriously theyv'e been on since october! and some other crap looking comdey is on! The Jesse James film isnt on either! grh. I can still go and see the DL at the cinema in Dorch but I'll have to pay, where as I have a pass for weymouth cinema! argh. stupid living in the back of beyond!

Anyhow I have to go do the washing up now! xxx

films, andrew, weekends, birthdays, torquay 12

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