Li'le bit pissed off with people right now!

Dec 01, 2007 11:02

Mixed day yesterday:

You know the job I was all up for and finally woo hoo job, so didn't bother getting back in contact with the angecy again for? Well I phoned the woman who was sorting me out...or not as the case maybe and she told me that she thinks one of hte other bods who is part of the group is going ot input the data, basically they don't think they need me! I got off the phone and swore...a lot! Guess I'm looking for work again then!

Spent the afternoon with Vicky watching Hairspray which made her all happy and cheered her up. She may have a heart murmur but she'll be fine if she takes it easy. Hopefully she'll listen!

Babysat Milli in the evening. Or spent the evening looking for their bunny! It was so stormy and dark it was really hard. I stopped about half 7 and put Milli in her pjs and had some curled up story time which was so lovely. Milli is so lovely! Then they got back at about 9 and me and Anna went and found hte bunny he was jsut outside hte gate into the side bit of garden. I was so thankful I thought he had proper escaped and I'd left hte gate open!

Got home to an email saying that I hadn't won the Music Video comp. Boohoo. That screwed up that plan too.

So it wasn't really suprising I woke up stupidly early this morning and was mentally beating myself up. Seriously what the hell am I going to do with m life? Yeah I have my house... but how the hell am I going ot pay for it without doing completely rubbish work...My only problem is at hte moment is that cause Ive had this week of lying around from being poorly and well jsut generally being me I have no drive to do anything about it, it sucks living in weymouth too cause its all a bit rubbish round here.

I did manage to get back to sleep for a couple hours this morning, thus the late post. I should really do stuff and meant to go see my rellies today, my uncle and family are over, which should be a good thing...but it'll just be awkward and stuff. Esp. in the mood I'm in..."So lizzie how are u?" er crap thanks my lifes a mess and stuff...."hows the job front" well the stupid people screwed me over, the video people didnt like my work so basically back to the crap thing....."Oh fine fine thanks I'm great!" Because Im not telling my uncle and grandpa my life sucks they have enough to worry about!

Sorry but I say I was pissed off...and its not like I have anyone else to go rant at they all have their own problems. And noone on here even has to say anything. Just good that I can put it all down somewhere!

Ok going now! sorry....

work, rant

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