gratuitous Peter half naked icon!

Nov 29, 2007 21:23

I'm on dad's computer, he's playing LOTRonline on mine. *rolls eyes*  Doh. 
I'm feeling a lot brighter tonight. Yesterday I felt real tired so I jsut spent the day in bed, watched Hairspray...lovely lovely Zac! And A whole lot fo downloaded studio 60 on hte sunset strip, which is fab. Cause we dont have any kind of extra channels I dont get to watch it, but its on 4od yayness and so I downloaded loads yesterday. Its big budget dramacomdeyamerica which we all no i love and has Matthew Perry who I also love. So became quite invloved! hehe 
And then watched Heroes in the evening. Cant believe there is only the 2 next week left! Long as Petter doesnt explode we're ok!

Today i found this fab new program on 4od thats kind of like a modern day Fame,  its kinda cool in a teenage way and its free on 4OD so always good. Also played some LOTRonliine tho I'm majorly lost and confused on it.

So yeah feeling a little brighter, managed to go to youth group tonight which is a good thing because Vicky is still poorly. Will try to go see her tomorrow. Need to get out hte house again i think or I'll get stuck in lying around mode.

Heard some somewhat exciting news tonight but its also put me in a I'm doing nothing with my life kind of funk. Which Im not but right now I'm to sick to care! 
Hope u are all feeling better/well etc xxx

lord of the rings, ill, telly

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