Last Entry of My Italian Job

Mar 30, 2005 17:04

Seems just like yesterday that I embarked on this 'epic' journey to Italia. I can remember counting down the days till I flew off to the great unknown. Now I find myself counting down the days untill this shindig wraps up. That Countdown is down to a week with only two days left here in Verona. In other words, tomorrow I'll be packing up my home away from home away from home and tossing all my stuff back into the two suitcases I brought over (Im just hoping it all fits... if not say goodbye undershirts). So unbelievable... here I sit typing up what will become my last Italian entry... I should like start it off with some profound statement. Some life lesson that I've learned that I would otherwise be without. Something deep, something... something inspirational...

This is the part where I add in the corny quote... like we all did for our senior year yearbook (or as my parents call it... an "annual"). Mine was particularly corny and I'd rather not relive its existence. Something about letting your eyes be your direction while holding your shadow be your guide... yeah, something that no one understands... so screw all that none sense about learning something profound because lets face it... thats not what life is about. Life doesn't care whether your profound. The only thing that matters is whether in the end... you've had fun. So to happiness and the joy of living... all the good times that life has to offer...

Pigeons are some mad horny birds. This little obvservation took place yesterday during the most unmotivational day of Verona. Alexis and I started out our standard tuesday ritual of Gelato (so clutch... I ordered Nutella, Chocalate, and Amarenata) and our casual stroll to the campus side of Verona where we studied at the library (and met up with Estephania (tight Spanish girl), Natalie (sweet French girl), & Stephano (cool Italian guy) to hear about all the latest Verona happenings and all the good night life). Unfortunately the library was closed on our last day of studying so we went into this "park" located right off the side the library. About five minutes after taking out our books this random lady yelled at us and told us we needed to leave. So then we wandered into this other library we stumbled upon but they wouldn't let us in because we forgot our student IDs or something... I dont know- they were mad at us and were "talking loudly" (yikes I was sckered) in Italian... it was intimidating. The lady was old and nasty too.. which didn't help out the situation. So at that point we figured there was a greater cause against us studying. Call it devine intervention. We eventually wandered over to some random park but were acosted by some homeless people who stunk of urine. And pigeons were trying to get their mojo goin. The boy sticks out his chest and acts big and then struts with his tail feathers "spread eagle" (pun...o) shakin all he's got (shake, shake your tail featha') :). Between the homeless people sleeping on the benches and the pigeons doin the dirty bird we did manage to get a little studying in for our test on tomorrow. One of the homeless guys got off his bench and wandered over to a nearby and promptly started to pee. This was our que and we left:).

So last night we celebrated little Sarah's birfday! (hollllla!!) by going to Salvatore's Pizza (btw: this place has a cool bathroom) and I had the Colvetti pizze which was absolutely fantastic. On the way over to the restruant we ran into these people in Piazza Erbe who we met in Cinque Terra of all places. This girl had on a Clemson sweatshirt that looked really familar and we took it upon ourselves to see if it was them. Sure enough I lowered my hood (because it was poooouring outside... very first time it rained while we were here... which is nuts cuz it didn't rain here for three months) and the guy stood up in pure awe and was like "thats the dude from Cinque Terra!!" It was a moment. We shared it... it was magical. Ahhh. After dinner we went to "Timeout" which is like the danceclub/bar to go to on tuesday nights (why tuesday and not wednesday is beyond me but apparently on thursday its "Campus") to continue the celebration of Sarah's birthing. There we had a drink or two (I had some Sangria with some extra sugah that I poured to the bottom of the glass... adds a little something extra ya know) and enjoyed the evening. There we ran into this British girl whose name was... get this... Samara! OMG! Yeah- I flipped. I about bolted for the door. I don't care how beautiful you are but if you come crawling out of a TV ring-style I ain't going to hang around to figure out the magic trick. She was cool though:). Then we ran into Estephania at the Al'timo Cafe where we exchanged in some parting words/hugs and started out on our long tract home to Residence Al' Adige.

Tonight I awoke to go to class utterly exhausted from a fabulous night and nearly fell asleep in class. Also- went to the post office to mail some CDs (special thanks to Natalie for randomly seeing me and helping me out at the post) and get an freaking awesome card (and photo) from stephanie!! thanks yo!!:) Thats so awesome of you!:). Unfortunately I've been unable to locate two packages from Sarah & Adam but I luv you guys anyway;)!!! I have a test tomorrow which is 50% of my grade and gosh darn... Im going to ace it. "By Golly!" Then Im going to pack up my stuff... hoping to remember all the random stuff I have now... and hoping that my little suitcases can handle the load. Then... going out for a last dinner up in the hills overlooking Verona (all we can eat YES!) and then hop on a bus going to Rome where the remainder of our trip here takes place. After Rome Im personally (along with Sarah & Ellie) going to Sorrento (thus Capri) and then to Greece where Im meeting up with some more peeps to experience the Pink Palace (they have a pool-sized hot tub.. count it).

MY RETURN to theATL is on the 17th @ 4:30 (or thereabouts depending on delays and what not) wanting some Lemonade, a cookie cake, some big old hugs, and a key to my car where I plan to drive fast with the windows down and have the music blasting. O YES!:)

To everyone out there- "Goat Herders Like Vino Rojo" THANKS FOR READING:).

Forever Smiling,

ANS: Ermm.. in Tony's words, "so there's 6 stuffed shrimp in the stuffed shrimp Santa Fe, and as for the drizzled sauce, that's a trick question. there is no sauce drizzled over the stuffed shrimp. (there's an avocado lime sauce "delicately" drizzled over the Fire Cracker Chicken Wraps, but that's a completely different appetizer, and thus, a different story.) The stuffed shrimp ARE, however, served with Chipotle Ranch dipping sauce, and a lemon wedge." Im in complete bewilderment;)

GAMES!!!!!: I've developed some fun games that you at home and take part it. YES! your faces beam with excitment;). GAME 1) Lift your right foot off the ground while sitting at your computer... yes right now... its cool no one will laugh. Start moving it in a clockwise motion. Now take your right hand and draw a "6" out in front of you:). Does your foot start moving in an opposite direction? Hmmmm?!?! CRAZY;)!!!! GAME 2) I have this theory that no one can say "nipple" 5 times fast without cracking down and smiling and/or messing up the words (ussually both happen). Sooo... reallllly quickly yell our "Nipple! Nipple! Nipple! Nipple! Nipple!" If you are in the SLC yell it louder... it makes it easier I swear;). Get back to me on the results too;)

BRAVO: Goes out to my dance partner Stephanie Ann Wong!!! for a most excellent card that made my day today. BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! To my padres for sticking beside me in my little trials and tribulations while dancing around Italia. BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! Tony completely and utterly blew my trivia question away this past entry. BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO! To all my friends back home who checked this LV to see what I've been up to. I absolutely adore you. Thanks for being the best bunch of friends a guy could ever hope for;) BRAVO! BRAVO! BRAVO!

Song of the moment: Eve 6 - Here's to the Night (yep, time to break out the cheesy graduation songs that made ya'll tear up just a few years past) ;)
Another great song is: Jimmy Eat - Hear You Me (Ya' Hear?) :)

Quote of the moment: "Ferry Day is a complete utter failure... lets just do it tomorrow!" -Myself & Ellie
"Ferry Day Complete!! Rock!!" - Myself:)

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