Feburary still sucks

Feb 23, 2011 16:13

so I got some more info about my car. According to Mercury Insurance, the 6 is slated to be finished on March 9, which is when my rental agreement will also be canceled. The total cost of repairs is well into the $5000's, but thanks to my insurance deductible I'll only have to pay $500. Whew.

Work is doing good. I never thought I'd enjoy this type of work that has nothing to do with my prior education or prior dreams inl ife, but it's suprisingly refreshing to be out of the "staring at a screen" sector of the market and squarely in the psuedo "customer service" area. I've never done a retail job besides a one-time carnival gig when I was 17 selling sodas and chips, so this is very interesting to me. Doing ticket checking means i'm greeting hundreds of people a day, and thousands a week. I've met people from literally all over the world, and I'm learning how to say "hello" and "thank you" in almost 10 languages...I've only been here for like 3 weeks!

A side effect to actually looking at people and engaging with them is that I think my social skills are improving. I've been forced to make small talk with all sorts of people when the lines get long, and i've never really had an opportunity in my life like this...even in College I wasn't much of a social person as I was just getting into DDR and the gym lifestyle, as well as full on WoW mode. So I never really hung out outside my dorm with people per se. This may have deeper connections as well...

Being more social with so many different types of women as well has sort of opened my eyes to what they find funny and engaging mostly. I'm sure i've had more female interaction here than at any point in my life before. It's downright fascinating because I'm getting into the mindset of....hmmm I don't wnat to say "judging" because I'm not doing that... more like on-the-spot analysis and certain body language i'm sensing. Not even mentioning there are so many gorgeous women that pass through (along with other normals and not so cutes) I'm really developing a sense of what I want in a girl now. It's like i'm getting a super concentrated form of education and it all comes at me at once for me to parse this info. I'm finding more and more women attractive and I'm still trying to maybe learn effective flirts and whatnot (not even for romatic, but to get a nice laugh out of the passengers so we all have a better time in line). Maybe I can use this in my real life as well, if I find a girl that's right for me.

Which leads me to my problems this month. I was in effect planning to complete my life after February since I had my car and some money saved up, I'd be able to take crystal out proper. I got into a deep conversation with my old roomate josh about my situaiton and feelings, and he pretty much gave me cliche advice "just tell her how you really feel, don't try to lead on with the friend thing,etc" and i generally agree with him. I also add that I barely see her anyway, so after looking at the worse-case scenario where she says no and it get mega akward between us and it spreads to my other friends in the clique...well I don't see them too regularly anyway (maybe twice a year?) so it's not really a losing situation. I think I could cut them out and not suffer too bad, if I can make some more friends at work (in progress already) to cover the void.

Eh, there's more I want to write on this but I have to get ready for work.
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