May 02, 2008 09:52
I couldn't believe the number of douchebags in Sephora last night, especially the assholes on their cellphones who kept walking into me like I was invisible. I don't know if I was just particularly touchy but I wanted to punch so many people.
The testers are there for testing, how about using a q-tip or something, you skeevy bitches. Even worse are the ones who buy a $10 pair of lashes and then have one of the employees spend about an hour applying them along with the rest of their makeup for the night. There was one twunt who was having her face done while her brats were playing with the makeup. Yeah, because no one else in the world might want to use that - the world is your fucking playground.
I managed to keep enough self-control to buy a Vincent Longo concealer. It is called Illuminati and it is a pencil with a concealer on one side & a highlighter on the other. I liked the way it felt, creamy but still providing a bit of coverage. I'm still waiting for Benefit Eyebright in a swap. I don't have bad circles but I still need a bit of something there.